High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Joint 24th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2014, 7-11 April 2014, Romania
Article published on 19 August 2014
last modification on 16 April 2015

by Patricia

The National Meteorological Administration of Romania will host the 24th ALADIN workshop / HIRLAM All-Staff Meeting 2014 (07-10 April 2014) and HMG/CSSI meeting (11 April 2014), in Bucharest.

 Practical information on the local organiser webpage

WK24: Participants

 Agenda and list of participants, proposed on April 10

 On-line presentations of the workshop


  HMG/CSSI meeting

For HIRLAM Management Group and ALADIN Committee for Scientific and System/maintenance Issues, meeting on Friday 11, 2014 09:00-18:00

 On-line registration for HOTEL AND WORKSHOP : deadline March 7, 2014

The participants will be hosted in Marshal Garden Hotel (also the meeting venue) or Duke Hotel (see the local organising webpage for information about the proposed hotels.

Room Marshal Garden Hotel ***** Duke Hotel ***
single room 85 euros (including breakfast and lunch) 50 euros (including breakfast)
double room 105 euros (including breakfast and lunch) 55 euros (including breakfast)

 List of registered participants

ALADIN status overview 680 KiB / PDF

ALARO-1 an overview of developments 2.4 MiB / PDF

Aliasing and upper-level explosions two fixes 645.9 KiB / PDF

Analysis of HARMONIE Forecasts Sensitivity to initial data with simulated radar observations 633.7 KiB / PDF

ARPEGE High Resolution Experimental Suite 7.4 MiB / PDF

Assimilation of OPERA radar data in HARMONIE 1.3 MiB / PDF

Basic concepts for convection parametrization : COST action ES0905 1.3 MiB / PDF

Collection and assimilation of Mode-S MRAR aircraft observations in Slovenia 4.2 MiB / PDF

COPE: an overview 1.3 MiB / PDF

Could there be a need for a horizontal finite-element discretization 1.3 MiB / PDF

Daily precipitation analysis by optimum interpolation using high-resolution background and rain gauge data 1.3 MiB / PDF

Data Assimilations activities in RC LACE countries 2.1 MiB / PDF

Developments in the HARP verification package 1.4 MiB / PDF

Discussion: Data assimilation 43.6 KiB / PDF

Dynamics and coupling in LACE 2.5 MiB / PDF

EPS perspectives at EUMETNET and AEMET 2.6 MiB / PDF

Erroneous sea fog forecasts in HARMONIE 4.8 MiB / PDF

Experiences with AROME in Austira 4.2 MiB / PDF

FROST-2014 : Performance of Harmonie 1km during Sochi Olympics 2.8 MiB / PDF

HarmonEPS and GLAMEPSv1 for the Sochi Olympic Games 3.8 MiB / PDF

HARMONIE Regular Cycle with the Reference 2.6 MiB / PDF

Harmonie system status 26.4 MiB / PDF

Hirlam activities: highlights and challenges 281 KiB / PDF

Hirlam Aladin Tools Market (HATM) : implemented tools for common use 83.7 KiB / PDF

Improving wintertime low cloud forecasts in AROME 3.7 MiB / PDF

Introducing GLAMEPS-v2 594.4 KiB / PDF

Microphysics in 3MT and Grey Zone Experiment 3.4 MiB / PDF

One year of optimizations on the first scalar supercomputer of Meteo-France 911.1 KiB / PDF

Optimisation of cloud initialisation in HARMONIE and verification results 634.8 KiB / PDF

Physics organization: cleaning and convergence 897.6 KiB / PDF

Poster : Coupling SURFEX_V7.2 to ALARO within cycle CY38T1 1.1 MiB / PDF

Poster : Impact of radar data assimilation in HARMONIE 4.9 MiB / PDF

Poster : Irish climate re-analysis studies 1.8 MiB / PDF

Poster : Modelling the direct radiative effect of wildfire smoke on a severe thunderstorm event with the HARMONIE model 3.5 MiB / PDF

Poster : Radiation in Harmonie 1.7 MiB / PDF

POSTER : Status of operation application in Bulgaria 513.4 KiB / PDF

Poster: A sensitivity test to the SST variation in the Mainland version of AROME/Portugal 2.8 MiB / PDF

Poster: ALADIN - Portuguese technical and scientific activities 3.6 MiB / PDF

Poster: ALADIN in Slovenia 1.3 MiB / PDF

Poster: Aladin related activities @ SHMU 3.6 MiB / PDF

Poster: Modification of Arome ICE3 cloud physics 1 MiB / PDF

Poster: Numerical weather prediction environment in Estonian Environmental Agency 1.8 MiB / PDF

Poster: NWP at the Hungarian Meteorological Service 1.1 MiB / PDF

Poster: NWP in MetEireann 5.1 MiB / PDF

Poster: NWP related activities in Turkey 615.4 KiB / PDF

POSTER: Operational NWP systems at MET Norway 2 MiB / PDF

Poster: Regional climate modeling activities at the RMI 892.1 KiB / PDF

Poster: Surface modelling - nordic challenges 1.2 MiB / PDF

Poster: The NWP activities at CHMI 2.2 MiB / PDF

Poster: the NWP systems at Meteo-France 9.1 MiB / PDF

Poster: Validation of ACRANE2 Radiation Scheme 555.8 KiB / PDF

Preparations of MF’s assimilation systems to higher resolution 1.4 MiB / PDF

Problems (and solutions ?...) 2.7 MiB / PDF

Progress in data assimilation and implementation of an AROME model over Arctic 686.7 KiB / PDF

Recent development of data assimilation in AROME Austria 5.3 MiB / PDF

Recent usage of observations in Meteo-France data assimilation systems 2.8 MiB / PDF

Running HARMONIE on Xeon Phi coprocessors 3.6 MiB / PDF

Scatterometer winds in rapidly developing storms 4.7 MiB / PDF

Sigma_b maps in Aladin 1.1 MiB / PDF

Single-column experiments with the EFB turbulence closure 513.5 KiB / PDF

Snow perspectives 7 MiB / PDF

SODA and surface assimilation in HARMONIE 589.6 KiB / PDF

Statistical cloud scheme research with HARMONIE 1.5 MiB / PDF

Status and plans of AROME-France 1.3km (model part) 4.2 MiB / PDF

Status of LAM-EPS development in LACE 4.4 MiB / PDF

Status of the EUMETNET C-SRNWP project 470.9 KiB / PDF

Study of the Jacobian of an EKF for soil analysis in SURFEX 907.4 KiB / PDF

The Belgium Pukkelpop storm : a challenge for simulationg deep convection 1.7 MiB / PDF

Validation and use of HARMONIE at KNMI 2.1 MiB / PDF

WG : physics 75.6 KiB / PDF

WG : system aspects 63.9 KiB / PDF

WG radar : agenda 49.7 KiB / PDF

WG radar : minutes 23.5 KiB / PDF

WG surface data assimilation and SODA 64 KiB / PDF