High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Regular 12th General Assembly of ALADIN Partners, Ljubljana, 07-08 November 2007
Article published on 14 November 2008
last modification on 17 November 2008

by Patricia

Agenda with on-line presentations

  1. Welcome and opening of the meeting.
  2. Adoption of the agenda and the minutes of the 11th GA.
  3. Report of the GA Chairman on the "Bureau preparatory meeting", Vienna, 24-25/10/07
  4. Report of PAC Chairman (the PAC 3rd Session took place in Prague, 7-8/6/07
  5. Programme Managers’ reports :
    1. ALADIN work in the intersession and outlook for issues at the 12th GA ; CSSI matters;
    2. HIRLAM aspects of the joint plans under HARMONIE.
  6. "Classical matters" for the past year :
    1. Operational report (Martin Janousek)
    2. Maintenance report (Claude Fischer)
    3. Manpower figures for 7-06 to 6-07 (ALADIN PM)
  7. ALADIN Strategy :
    1. Presentation of the Draft Strategy Document (Emmanuel Legrand)
    2. Consequences for the ALADIN planning process (ALADIN PM)
    3. Comments, discussions and final shaping of the ALADIN Strategy Document (GA Chair)
      Special presentation: Performance of ALADIN in the extreme rain event on 18th September 2007 in Slovenia (Mark Zagar)
  8. Important scientific or technical issues for the 4-year planning; draft list to be updated if needed (ALADIN PM) :
    1. Verification
    2. NH-VFE issue (dynamics)
    3. Convergence steps for AROME and ALARO physics and phys-dyn interfacing
    4. Contribution to GLAMEPS (and/or EurEPS)
    5. Surface modelling- and data assimilation issues
    6. Maintenance aspects
  9. Presentation of the work plan elaboration process for 2008, especially in terms of manpower priorities (ALADIN PM).
  10. Membership and cooperation matters (GA Chair)
  11. Budget matters (ALADIN PM) :
    1. Accounting of the 2006 budget
    2. Report about the ongoing execution of the 2007 budget
    3. Adoption of the 2008 budget
  12. Elections of the General Assembly Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson (PAC Chair)
  13. Appointments of the PAC Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson (GA Chair)
  14. A.O.B.
  15. Date and place of the next General Assembly (or of the next two General Assemblies).
  16. Closing of the meeting.

GA 12 : HIRLAM aspects of the joint plans under HARMONIE 45.2 KiB / PDF

GA 12 : Maintenance report 166.7 KiB / PDF

GA 12 : Manpower figures 151 KiB / PDF

GA 12 : Minutes 359.9 KiB / PDF

GA 12 : mportant scientific or technical issues for the 4-year planning 71.6 KiB / PDF

GA 12 : Operational report 917.9 KiB / PDF

GA 12 : Participants 58.6 KiB / PDF

GA 12 : Presentation of the Draft Strategy Document 129.2 KiB / PDF