High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Regular 18th General Assembly, Tunis, 14-15 November 2013
Article published on 3 April 2014
last modification on 5 December 2014

by Patricia
GA18 : Participants

The NMS of Tunisia hosted the 18th regular General Assembly in Tunis, on 14-15 November 2013.

 Draft Minutes of the 18th assembly

 Participants of the 18th assembly

 Agenda with on-line presentations

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the draft agenda

3. Approval of the minutes of the 17th GA

4. Report from the 10th PAC meeting and the 1st joint HAC/PAC meeting

5. Reports

Invited presentation from the host : the National Meteorological Institute of Tunisia (NIM)
and the ALADIN activities at NIM

6. Scientific and technical issues

  • Cycles and system evolution
  • Migration to new HPC at MF

7. Rolling work plan: reporting and priorities

8. Link with other European programs

9. Budget issues and manpower (+issues in the NMSs)

  • Money for maintaining the lake database
  • Man power figures
  • Report of the execution of the ongoing budget
  • Adoption of the 2014 budget
  • Royalty-linked issues

10. Governance issues

  • Request from Bosnia Herzegovina
  • licenses (for academic use)
  • ACNA, PAC composition, CSSI composition

11. Election of new GA chair and vice chair

12. Date and place of the next General Assembly

13. A.O.B

14. Closing

GA18 : Participants 64.3 KiB / PDF

GA18 : potential further merge between ALADIN and HIRLAM 845.7 KiB / PDF

GA18 : Reports 678.5 KiB / PDF

GA18 : Rolling work plan 104 KiB / PDF

GA18 : Scientific and technical issues 224.8 KiB / PDF

GA18 : Tour d’ALADIN 2.6 MiB / PDF

GA18: budget issues and manpower 304.3 KiB / PDF

GA18: INM presentation 731.7 KiB / PDF

GA18: LACE report 2.9 MiB / PDF

GA18: Link with ECMWF 1013.5 KiB / PDF

GA18: SRNWP-V outcomes 2.1 MiB / PDF