High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Meteo-France verification and validation of E-suites
Article published on 20 October 2008
last modification on 20 November 2008

by Patricia

These documentations are mainly in French but with also an English summary or in Annex an English (shorter) version.

  • Report of the 4th 2007 e-suite (higher horizontal resolution, supplementary vertical levels, variational correction of the model bias, assimilation of AMSCAT data ..) : the e-suite and the operational suites have been compared from 06 October 2007 to 05 February 2008. The objective and subjective validations concludes to the superiority of the e-suite for every reference, every physical field and every verification domain.
  • Report of the technical E-suite (CY32T0, new observations) started on May 30, 2007. This suite became operational on September 05, 2007. The objective and subjective verification of this e-suite leads to a better behaviour than the operational version of Arpege and Aladin models.
  • Report of the technical E-suite, based on CY31T1 started the 16 March 2007. No change in the operational models have been made. The E-suite was running on the NEC SX8and the operational model on the VPP5000. The comparison of the scores of this E-suite and the operational version of Arpege shows completely neutral results.
  • Report of the technical E-suite based on CY31T1 started on January 26, 2007. This suite became operational on February 26, 2007.
  • Report on the validation of the 3rd 2006 E-suite : CY31T1_op1 + SLHD + new schemes for mountain drag and lift, radiation, sedimentation, .... This suite shows very interesting properties but its perfomances are clearly worse than those of the operational version for very rapid zonal flows. It didn’t come operational.
  • Report on the validation of the 2006 second E-suite (suite 2006_2) : CY30T1_op2 + SSMI, ground GPS, 20 channels AIRS, profiler profiles, cycling of sigmab, .. This suite became operational on September 19, 2006
  • Report on the validation of the 2006 first E-suite (suite 2006_1) : CY30T1_op1 + new physics + NOAA18 + SATOB. This suite bacame operational on June 22, 2006

Documentation on MF E-suites

cy32t0_op1 118.1 KiB / PDF

cy33t0_op1 178.9 KiB / PDF

Report 2006-1 605.3 KiB / PDF

Report 2006-2 1.9 MiB / PDF

Report 2006-3 1.3 MiB / PDF

Report 2007-1 222 KiB / PDF

Report 2007-2 97.3 KiB / PDF

Report 2007-3 1.2 MiB / PDF

Report 2007-4 2.1 MiB / PDF

Suite_2006-2 138.8 KiB / PDF

Suite_2007-3 81.4 KiB / PDF

Suite_2007-4 58.1 KiB / PDF

Suite_2008-1 51.4 KiB / PDF

Suite_2008-2 37.3 KiB / PDF