High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Workshop on deep convection around Arome, Toulouse, 24-25 November 2008
Article published on 16 December 2008
last modification on 30 January 2015

by Patricia

This workshop took place in Toulouse on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 November 2008. Short presentations were followed by discussions around the different talks.

  1. Current status of mesoscale models (Monday morning)
    1. AROME in Météo-France :
      1. Operational configuration(G. Hello)
      2. EDKF (S. Malardel)
      3. Latest evolutions of the operational configuration (FA, Canopy,
        SLHD) (Y. Seity)
      4. Scores of AROME suite (J. Stein)
    2. AROME in HIRLAM :
      1. Overview of daily AROME runs in AEMET (J. Calvo)
      2. Experiments on outflow problem and IKE (J. Barkmeijer)
      3. Experiences pour AROME/ALARO at SMHI (L.Bengtsson)
    3. ALARO :
      1. ALARO physics in (pre-)operational use (N. Pristov)
      2. 3MT and other aspects controlling the convective behavior in ALARO
        (J.F. Geleyn)
    4. ALADIN-France :
      1. Recent evolutions and perspectives (F. Bouyssel)
  2. Studies on modeling convection (Monday afternoon)
    1. Evaluation of AROME in AMMA (M. Nuret and C. Kocha)
    2. Preliminary AROME results at 500m horizontal resolution (L. Auger)
    3. Sensitivity of the QPF with dynamics and physics at 2.5km (E. Bazile)
    4. Evaluation of 3MT in ARPEGE, ALADIN-Fr (J.M. Piriou)
    5. Adjustment, geometry and mass-flux aspects of 3MT (J.F. Geleyn)
  3. Academic cases and equations (Tuesday morning)
    1. Introduction to multi-phasic interfacing problems (S. Malardel)
    2. Multi-phasic aspects at high resolution: numerical and physical
      open issues
      (J.F. Geleyn)
    3. Warm bubble tests (S. Malardel)
  4. Discussion on common work (Tuesday afternoon)

ALADIN-France : Recent evolutions and perspectives 1.4 MiB / PDF

ALARO physics in (pre-)operational use 697.5 KiB / PDF

AROME in HIRLAM countries : AEMET 2.3 MiB / PDF

AROME Operational configuration 2 MiB / PDF

EDKF 6.6 MiB / PDF

Evaluation of 3MT in ARPEGE, ALADIN-Fr 2.3 MiB / PDF

Evaluation of AROME in AMMA 4.5 MiB / PDF

Experiences pour AROME/ALARO at SMHI 1.5 MiB / PDF

Experiments on outflow problem 716.6 KiB / PDF

IKE cyclon 1005.2 KiB / PDF

Introduction to multi-phasic interfacing problems 125.3 KiB / PDF

Latest evolutions of the operational configuration (FA, Canopy, SLHD) 3.3 MiB / PDF

Multi-phasic aspects at high resolution : numerical and physical open issues 904.6 KiB / PDF

Preliminary AROME results at 500m horizontal resolution 6.7 MiB / PDF

Scores of AROME suite 11.1 MiB / PDF

Sensitivity of the QPF with dynamics and physics at 2.5km 1.5 MiB / PDF

Warm bubble tests 100.1 KiB / PDF