High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
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PhD Thesis completed in the framework of the ALADIN project (excepted those on RFR or ALATNET supports) Name Title of the thesis Date of defense University Vanja BLAZICA Divergence in (…)
Article published on 16 December 2018
At the 4th joint ALADIN General Assembly and HIRLAM Council meeting, on the kind invitation of the Director of the TSMS, the assemblies decided to meet In Istanbul, Turkey. The minutes of the GA (…)
Article published on 4 December 2018
Date GA Chairperson election [1] GA Vice-chairperson election [2] PAC Chairperson appointment [3] PAC Vice-chairperson appointment [4] PM appointment CSSI chairperson election MoU signature AG24- (…)
Article published on 30 November 2018
Information on the Regular 23rd General Assembly and 4th joint ALADIN GA and HIRLAM Council that were held in Zagreb on November 19-20, 2018.
Article published on 22 November 2018
(updated on December 16, 2020) Within ALADIN and HIRLAM Consortia, the 3 CMCs (ALARO, AROME, HARMONIE-AROME) and the ALADIN configuration run operationally on a wide range of computers, from (…)
Article published on 15 November 2018