In this 16th and last ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter, are presented ALADIN and HIRLAM activities (national and project reports) in 2020. This Tour ends with a look back at 30 year working together in ALADIN, and in a close and more formalised collaboration with HIRLAM during the last 3 years.
AEMET colleagues, Inger-Lise and Jeanette share with us some memories of José-Antonio Garcia-Moya after his shocking passing in December.
We also introduce a special issue of the (French) journal “La Météorologie†that is dedicated to Jean-François Geleyn, after the symposium held in February last year to pay a tribute to his scientific career.
We announce two new Doctors from Casablanca. Congratulations !
Last but not least, a summary list of upcoming events, planned for 2021, is available.
We hope you enjoy reading this last ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter.
Thanks all authors for their contributions and rendez-vous for the future ACCORD Newsletters ...
26th ALADIN General Assembly, 7th joint meeting with HIRLAM Council and ACCORD kick-off Assembly
On 26 November 2020, was held the last ALADIN General Assembly: besides the usual reports and decisions, the GA was proposed to look back to the last 10 years and warmly thanked Piet for his terrific work as Programme Manager of ALADIN. Piet also received a thank you gift from the teams.
The 7th joint ALADIN GA & HIRLAM C decided on the last convergence issues such as the choice of the name for the joint consortium, prepared a declaration for the teams and a press release.
To (virtually) celebrate ACCORD birth, the video "Weather forecasting has quite a history !" offered by Météo-France was presented.
Then, the ACCORD kick-off Assembly nominated the members of the STAC and PAC committees and the LTMs, decided on the MG recruitment process, on the budget and the work plan for 2021.
The documents and presentations of these meetings are available here, with the approved minutes (Minutes of 26th ALADIN GA and Minutes of the last joint GA-C and ACCORD kick-off meeting).
The agendas of these meetings were mainly focused on the preparation of the joint ALADIN General Assembly & HIRLAM Council, the signature of the ALH MoU and the first Assembly of the new Consortium.
The minutes of these meetings are on-line : the PAC-HAC recommendations have already been implemented by the Convergence WG and the documents amended accordingly to PAC-HAC discussions and distributed to the ALADIN & HIRLAM Directors for their video meeting on 26-27 November 2020.
These meetings took place as planned, but on video-conference format.
The documents for the single ALH Consortium, as adopted by the 6th joint ALADIN GA and HIRLAM Council, are available below (versions finalized on 1st of July 2020 by the Convergence Working Group according to the GA-C decisions):
- draft MoU: new version prepared by the High-Level group on 22 of September,
- Strategy document,
- Management document,
- Selection procedure,
- Call for applications (4 positions: PM, 3 CSCs Leaders): the call for applications of the first four positions is now closed and the selection was done; the call for applications for the Area Leaders and CNA positions is opened.
- Roadmap and risk analysis.
More about these meetings (including agenda and minutes).
23 June. 2020 : the ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter n°15 is published
Looking back to the very unusual ALADIN Wk-HIRLAM ASM 2020 !
The 1st visio ALADIN Wk-HIRLAM ASM was held from 30 March to 3 April 2020.
The pdf files of the presentations/posters are on-line and the videos of the sessions have also been added on the meeting web-page (although it would take more than 24 hours to watch them all). You can also consult the exchanges and information written during the chat discussions.
Our meeting (44 presentations in 9 sessions, 15 posters, 2 side-meetings) went well, with very nice presentations and discussions. So did the LTM (minutes are published) and the HMG-CSSI (minutes are published) meetings. However, we did miss the informal discussions during the icebreaker, Ljubljana visit and the diner down-town. We’ll resume that part for the All Staff Workshop 2021 in Ljubljana.
Thank to all of you who joined the meetings. More than 215 persons connected to the meeting and identified themselves, including 6 colleagues from ECMWF and the COSMO Scientific Program Manager. Maximum simultaneous attendance was 125 people on big sessions (opening, DA, system, physics and even 135 for surface), 95 people for dynamics, EPS, verification, applications and closing and still about 80 for the posters introduction and the fog side-meeting.
Below are a few "group photos" taken during the different sessions.
Day in honour of Jean-François Geleyn
Presentations on various aspects of Jean-François’s successful research activities with a pioneering inspiration were given by scientists who have collaborated with him, and also by those who have been trained and supervised by him. The videos, presentations and photos of the day are on-line, together with a nice souvenirs and testimonies slide show.
Strategy Meeting : 3-5 February
This meeting was intented to establish a common set of strategic objectives for the future ALADIN-LACE-HIRLAM consortium. After the presentation and discussions with the experts and the current management of ALADIN, HIRLAM and LACE consortia, the Convergence Woking Group worked on preparing a Strategy document, to be proposed to the Assemblies of Directors at their next meetings in June.