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FULL-POS users guide since cycle 46, updated 8 Oct. 2021
Published on 5 February 2021
by Patricia

FullPos is a powerful and sophisticated post-processing package. It is intended to be used for operation and research as well. FullPos can perform vertical interpolations, horizontal interpolations and spectral filtering.

This manual, published in January 2021 and updated on 8 October 2021, (…)

Turbulence diagnostic (Eddy Dissipation Rate), ARPEGE cy43, January 2020
Published on 10 January 2020
by Patricia

A new global turbulence forecast product for aeronautics

Aeronautical turbulence is a major risk for this sector with dozen of millions of dollars for companies, and more than 7000 hours of sick leaves. Turbulence suffered by planes has multiple sources such as CAT (Clear Air Turbulence) which (…)

Diagnostics by Horizontal Domains : DDH (2019)
Published on 1 October 2019

Guide for users and developpers :

Variables and budget equations, in horizontal mean


new documentation available on February 13, 2024.

The documentation presents the diagnostics on horizontal domains (DDH) developed initially for the variable mesh of (…)

CFU (cumulated fluxes) and XFU (instantaneous fluxes) in the cycle 46t1r1 of ARPEGE/IFS.
Published on 12 February 2019
by Karim Yessad

Sommaire Abstract RESUME Contents

This documentation describes some diagnostics done on the physical fluxes: CFU (cumulated fluxes) and XFU (instantaneous fluxes). Some algorithmic aspects and technical aspects (organigramme for example) are described.


FULL-POS in the cycle 46t1r1 of ARPEGE/IFS.
Published on 12 February 2019
by Karim Yessad

Sommaire Abstract RESUME Contents

This documentation describes the software FULL-POS doing post-processing on different kind of vertical levels. In particular, post-processable variables and organigramme are given. Some aspects of horizontal and vertical interpolators (…)