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Organigramme of configuration 923 in the cycle 46t1r1 of ARPEGE/IFS.
Published on 12 February 2019
by Karim Yessad

Sommaire Abstract RESUME Contents

This documentation provides an organigramme of configuration 923, which allows to compute climatological files (containing monthly climatologies of surface fields). It is the complement of some other documentations which describe more (…)

Computation of spectral orography in configuration 923 (Dec 2005)
Published on 9 December 2005
by Patricia

Documentation written by Dominique Giard in December 2005.

Contents : NAMCLA : control the computation of orography Formulation of the cost functions to be minimalized Case of linear-spectral truncation

Configuration e923 users guide (2002)
Published on November 2002

A Configuration e923 users guide was written by Neva Pristov in November 2002, based on ALADIN cycle AL12.

This guide was prepared for the 1st ALADIN Maintenance and Phasing Workshop (Budapest, 25-29 November 2002). It is intended to be used as a guide for preparing climatological files. (…)