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Observations : use, screening, cost function, control and monitoring (presentation, 2001)
Article published on June 2001
last modification on 21 June 2007

Presentation of Patrick Moll and Elisabeth Gérard during the ALATNET training course on Data Assimilation in Gourdon, 11-22 June 2001.

  • Observation : General presentation
    • General problematic of data assimilation
    • Problems with the available data
    • Real time available data
    • Production suite
    • The process of data assimilation
    • Operational suite at Meteo-France
  • Summary of the current use of observations at Météo-France
    • Conventional observations
      • Synops : Details of use
      • Surface : Data coverage
      • Buoys and Aireps : Details of use
      • Aircraft : Data coverage
      • Temp : Details of use
      • Sonde : Data coverage
      • Pilot, Satob, ERS : Details of use
      • Satwind : Data coverage
    • Satellite observations
      • TOVS120, ATOVS, ATOVS120, SSMI
    • Number of obs in Arpege
    • Problem with observations
  • Screening of observations
    • Sceening Problematic
    • Preliminary check of observations
      • Background quality control
      • Vertical consistency, duplication problem
      • Redundancy check
    • Thinning of observations
      • Thinning of Airep, Satob, TOVS, Satellite Radiances
      • Impact of the screening
  • The observations in the variational cost function
    • General Position
    • Variational formulation
    • Observation operators
    • Interpolations
    • Adjoints of the observations operators
  • Control and monitoring of the observations
    • General principle of data minitoring
    • Sources ofmodel and observations errors
    • Instrumental errors
    • Blacklisting observations
    • WMO standard thresholds
    • Control of the assimilations
  • Exercice : the observations in the variational cost function

Exercise 515.3 KiB / GZ

General presentation 504.5 KiB / GZ

Screening 1.3 MiB / GZ

Variational cost function 518.6 KiB / GZ