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Maintenance Training presentations (2010)
Article published on 21 September 2010
last modification on 24 September 2010

by Patricia

A "Maintenance Training" took place in Toulouse on September 20-22th 2010 (see page on aladin website for practical details, agenda, photos, list of participants).
Its objectives were, among others, to help newcomers to get familiar with the phasing procedure, to give them
some overview of the code’s architecture and to explain the coding rules to be respected inside the common

On-line presentations

discussion 13 KiB / PDF

Dvpt_constraints_FVana 751.4 KiB / PDF

filip_openmp 33.7 KiB / PDF

gmkpack 161.6 KiB / PDF

Hirlam_validation_TMoene 7.2 MiB / PowerPoint

obsprep 1.1 MiB / PDF

OOPS_elementary 101.5 KiB / PowerPoint

phasing_exercices 23.1 KiB / PDF

presentation_gco 32.2 KiB / PDF

presentation_phasage_CF 143 KiB / PowerPoint

realcases_phasing_exercices 23.1 KiB / PDF

The Execution and Validation public 841.7 KiB / PDF

Validation_OpenMP_Optimi_FVana 837.7 KiB / PDF

yk_exercises_merging_examples 179.9 KiB / PDF

yk_phasing_training_2010_archi.beam 978.8 KiB / PDF

yk_phasing_training_2010_configs.beam 1.6 MiB / PDF

yk_phasing_training_2010_eusl.beam 1.1 MiB / PDF

yk_phasing_training_2010_mitr.beam 636.3 KiB / PDF

yk_phasing_training_2010_norms.beam 1.6 MiB / PDF