Presentation of François Bouttier during the 1st AROME training course that took place in Poiana Brasov (Romania), on November 21-25, 2005. Contents : a bit of history Arome, a member of the IFS/ARPEGE galaxy The Méso-NH interaction code version management code style principles validation (…)
Presentation of Yan Seity during the 1st AROME training course that took place in Poiana Brasov (Romania), on November 21-25, 2005 : Good forecasts a) 21-06-05 squall line on MIDPYR b) 05-09-05 red alert on SUDE c) 05-01-05 Fog on MIDPYR Bad forecasts a) 23-06-05 Paris Probems/tested options (…)
Presentation of Yan Seity during the 1st AROME training course that took place in Poiana Brasov (Romania), on November 21-25, 2005 : General constraints ALADIN-NH Méso-NH physics interfaced in AROME State variables General computer constraints AROME code architecture Cycles How looking in (…)
Presentation of Gwenaëlle Hello during the ALADIN-NH training course, Toulouse, 15-19 March 2004.
Contents : Computations organisation The data flow spectral arrays grid points arrays data flow NH specificities
Presentation of Claude Fischer during the ALADIN-NH training course, Toulouse, 15-19 March 2004.
Contents : ARPEGE/IFS collaboration ALADIN collaboration Software interaction ARPEGE/ALADIN Phasing Code management Implications on AROME Configurations overview, librairies, code performance, (…)