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Basics about ARPEGE/IFS, ALADIN and AROME in the cycle 46t1r1 of ARPEGE/IFS.
Published on 12 February 2019
by Karim Yessad

Sommaire Abstract RESUME Contents

This documentation has the aim to give a general overview of the ARPEGE/IFS, ALADIN and AROME models, for beginners or for someone which knows some specific points but has no general overview of the whole models. It can be seen as a (…)

Sphere to sphere transforms in spectral space in the cycle 46t1r1 of ARPEGE/IFS: configuration 911.
Published on 12 February 2019
by Karim Yessad

Sommaire Abstract RESUME Contents

This documentation describes configuration formerly numbered 911 which performs dilatation/contraction matrices: these matrices allow to do spectral transformation between a stretched spectral space and between its unstretched (…)

Configuration 801 in the cycle 40 of ARPEGE/IFS (July 2013)
Published on 8 July 2013
by Karim Yessad

Sommaire Abstract Résumé Contents

This documentation describes the algorithmic and technical aspects

of the configuration 801 of ARPEGE/IFS, which allows in particular

to do sensitivity studies. An example of namelist is provided.

Cette documentation décrit les (…)

Notice d’utilisation de la configuration 901 ISBA (2008)
Published on 5 February 2008
by Patrick SAEZ

Sommaire I/ Introduction II/ Enchaînement des tâches III/ Détail des étapes 1/ Etape 1 2/ Etape 2 3/ Etape 3 4/ Etape 4 IV/ Base MARS et requêtes V/ Scripts a utiliser VI/ ANNEXE

This document (in French) written by Patrick Saez in March 2003 (updated in Feb. 2008) (…)

ARPEGE/ALADIN : the galaxy (data flow around ARPEGE/ALADIN, 2000)
Published on March 2000

This document is a slide presentation (including notes) from Ryad El Khatib.

It presents the data flow around ARPEGE/ALADIN software and the multifunctionality of this software : ARPEGE/ALADIN : how does it work ? What is the namelists file? What are the input data ? How to make a tidal waves (…)