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Practical exercises
Article published on 31 March 2008

by Patricia

These practical exercises were done during the 2nd AROME training course, Lisbon, 4-7 March 2008.

  • Introduction to practical exercises (see introduction.pdf) :
    • AROME forecast overview
    • Introduction to AROME code
  • PC Package (see PC package.pdf) :
    • Graphics
    • Model on PC
  • 1D model tests with MUSC (Modele Unifie, Simple Colonne) for Arpege-Aladin-Arome-Alaro-Hirlam-(IFS)
    (CY31T1 version) by Sylvie Malardel : see MUSC documentation.pdf for more details or MUSC presentation.pdf for the presentation and the exercises 1 and 2.
    • Most of the NWP or research 3D models have a corresponding single column version
      dedicated to the validation of physical parameterizations.
      In the context of the collaboration between Meteo-France and the Aladin and Hirlam
      consortiums and the multiplications of the sets of physics which will be available in the
      Arpege/IFS system, a common 1D tool for physics validations and intercomparisons has been developed from a 2D meridional vertical plane version (for academic cases)
      used with a minimal configuration as a single column model.
    • MUSC documentation : the procedure to be followed in order to run an ideal case with MUSC
    • ascii2fa : initial file and forcing preparation for a 1D case
    • Output, simple diagnostics and
    • Exercise 1 :
      • Create a local pack on HPCE with a few
        modifications necessary for running MUSC with this
        new cycle + SURFEX modifications for GABLS1
      • Test the pack with the GABLS1 case
    • Exercise 2 :
      • Modify the mixing coefficient for the wind in the
        turbulent scheme and reactivate the mixing length
        minimum value and rerun the GABLS1 case
  • Practical 3D exercice (see 3D exercise.pdf)
    • Run the 3D-AROME model on a small domain on hpce and plot the
      results on your local computer
    • Use the same binary that you have built yesterday for the 1D exercise
    • Make some namelist changes and check the results; changes proposed :
      • Sensitivity to the set up of the
        numerical diffusion
      • Run in Hydrostatics mode

MUSC documentation 137.2 KiB / PDF

MUSC presentation 120.8 KiB / PDF

PC package 136.2 KiB / PDF