Figure 3.8: Surfex diagram showing the input/output files produced by the different tools (the list of produced variables in case YWRPRGM="TEXTE" is obviously not exhaustive)
This format is used in the off-line applications because it's the simpliest format that may replace more complex (in terms of file handling) like lfi format used in the meso-NH framework or FA used in the Arome framework.
Figure 3.8: Surfex diagram showing the input/output files produced by the different tools (the list of produced variables in case YWRPRGM="TEXTE" is obviously not exhaustive)
It’s possible to extract 2d fields from PGD.txt (covers, orography, etc.) and from PREP.txt (initial prognostic variables like soil temperature profile, soil water content profile, etc.). For that purpose you need to run SXPOST tool (located at the same place as PGD, PREP and OFFLINE: (...)
This file contains the information related to physiography and orography read from PGD.txt file and rewritten, as well as initial values of prognostic variables of the different schemes contained in SURFEX.
&NATURE TG1 X_Y_TG1 (K) (...)
This file contains the information related to physiography and orography essentially. The file is splitted into several parts. The first one corresponds to the gridbox as seen as a single pixel where quantities are aggregated. The corresponding field names are prefixed with FULL. This gridbox (...)