Fortran name Fortran type values default value XTAUG_UNIF real 30.0 XTAUG_UP real 5.0 XTAUG_DOWN real 30.0 LGWEQ logical .FALSE. LREAD_FLOOD logical .FALSE. XTAUG_UNIF : Constant transfert time value (for CGROUNDW=’CST’ in (...)
From V8 SURFEX, namelists for TRIP are moved from OPTIONS.nam to a new separated namelist file, TRIP_OPTIONS.nam.
TRIP is now entirely independent of SURFEX and coupled with it through OASIS.
More details about this coupling with OASIS are available in the following document:
But in French.
Fortran name Fortran type values default value XTAUG_UNIF real 30.0 XTAUG_UP real 5.0 XTAUG_DOWN real 30.0 LGWEQ logical .FALSE. LREAD_FLOOD logical .FALSE. XTAUG_UNIF : Constant transfert time value (for CGROUNDW=’CST’ in (...)
Fortran name Fortran type values default value NYEAR integer none NMONTH integer none NDAY integer none XTIME real none NYEAR: current year (UTC) NMONTH: current month (UTC) NDAY: current day (UTC) XTIME: current time (...)
Fortran name Fortran type values default value LOASIS logical F CMODEL_NAME character(LEN=6) ’ trip’ LOASIS: key to use OASIS CMODEL_NAME: component model name
Fortran name Fortran type values default value CREADFRC character(LEN=6) ’ VECTOR’, ’LATLON’ ’ VECTOR’ CDRAIN character(LEN=8) ’ DRAIN’ CRUNOFF character(LEN=8) ’ RUNOFF’ LCUMFRC LOGICAL F LDIAG_MISC LOGICAL F LPRINT LOGICAL (...)
Fortran name Fortran type values default value XTSTEP_CPL_SEA real -1.0 CRIVDIS character(LEN=8) ’ ’ CCALVGRE character(LEN=8) ’ ’ CCALVANT character(LEN=8) ’ ’ XTSTEP_CPL_SEA: Coupling time step CRIVDIS: River (...)