4.1.1. Namelist NAM_PGD_SCHEMES
This namelist defines the four schemes that will be used, one for each type of surface (sea, inland water, town, vegetation).
Fortran name | Fortran type | values | default value |
CNATURE | string of 6 characters | "NONE ", "FLUX ", "TSZ0 ", "ISBA " | "ISBA " |
CSEA | string of 6 characters | "NONE ", "FLUX ", "SEAFLX" | "SEAFLX" |
CWATER | string of 6 characters | "NONE ", "FLUX ", "WATFLX", "FLAKE " | "WATFLX" |
CTOWN | string of 6 characters | "NONE ", "FLUX ", "TEB " | "TEB " |
LGARDEN | logical | F |
- CNATURE: scheme used for vegegation and natural soil covers . The different possibilities are:
- "NONE " : no scheme used. No fluxes will be cmputed at the surface.
- "FLUX " : ideal fluxes are prescribed. The have to be set in the fortran routine init_ideal_flux.f90.
- "TSZ0 " : In this cheme, the fluxes are computed according to the ISBA physics, but the surface characteristics (temperature, humidity, etc...) remain constant with time.
- "ISBA " : this is the full ISBA scheme (Noilhan and Planton 1989), with all options developped since this initial paper.
- CSEA : scheme used for sea and ocean . The different possibilities are:
- "NONE " : no scheme used. No fluxes will be cmputed at the surface.
- "FLUX " : ideal fluxes are prescribed. The have to be set in the fortran routine init_ideal_flux.f90.
- "SEAFLX" : this is a relatively simple scheme, using the Charnock formula.
- CWATER : scheme used for inland water . The different possibilities are:
- "NONE " : no scheme used. No fluxes will be cmputed at the surface.
- "FLUX " : ideal fluxes are prescribed. The have to be set in the fortran routine init_ideal_flux.f90.
- "WATFLX" : this is a relatively simple scheme, using the Charnock formula.
- "FLAKE " : this is lake scheme from Mironov, 2005.
- CTOWN : scheme used for towns . The different possibilities are:
- "NONE " : no scheme used. No fluxes will be cmputed at the surface.
- "FLUX " : ideal fluxes are prescribed. The have to be set in the fortran routine init_ideal_flux.f90.
- "TEB " : this is the Town Energy Balance scheme (Masson 2000), with all the susequent ameliorations of the scheme.
- LGARDEN : general flag to activate TEB_GARDEN