6.1.2. Namelist NAM_SURF_ATM
Fortran name | Fortran type | values | default value |
XCISMIN | real | 6.7E-5 | |
XVMODMIN | real | 0. | |
LALDTHRES | logical | F | |
LDRAG_COEF_ARP | logical | F | |
LALDZ0H | logical | F | |
LNOSOF | logical | T | |
LCPL_GCM | logical | F | |
XEDB | real | 5. | |
XEDC | real | 5. | |
XEDD | real | 5. | |
XEDK | real | 1. | |
XUSURIC | real | 1. | |
XUSURID | real | 0.035 | |
XUSURICL | real | 4. | |
XVCHRNK | real | 0.015 | |
XVZ0CM | real | 0.0 | |
XRIMAX | real | 0.2 | |
XDELTA_MAX | real | 1.0 | |
LVZIUSTAR0_ARP | logical | F | |
LRRGUST_ARP | logical | F | |
XVZIUSTAR0 | real | 0. | |
XRZHZ0M | real | 1. | |
XRRSCALE | real | 1.15E-4 | |
XRRGAMMA | real | 0.8 | |
XUTILGUST | real | 0.125 | |
LCPL_ARP | logical | F | |
LQVNPLUS | logical | F | |
LVERTSHIFT | logical | F | |
LVSHIFT_LW | logical | F | |
LVSHIFT_PRCP | logical | F | |
XCO2UNCPL | real | 'none' |
- LALDTHRES: flag to set a minimum wind and shear like done in Aladin model.
- XCISMIN: minimum wind shear to compute turbulent exchange coefficient (used only if LALDTHRES)
- XVMODMIN: minimum wind speed to compute turbulent exchange coefficient (used only if LALDTHRES)
- LDRAG_COEF_ARP: to use drag coefficient computed like in Arpege/Aladin models
- LALDZ0H: to take into account orography in heat roughness length
- LNOSOF: no parameterization of subgrid orography effects on atmospheric forcing
- LCPL_GCM: flag used to red/write precipitation forcing from/into the erstart file for ARPEGE/ALADIN run
- XEDB, XEDC, XEDD, XEDK: coefficients used in Richardson critical numbers computation
- XUSURIC, XUSURID, XUSURICL: Richardson critical numbers
- XVCHRNK, XVZ0CM: Charnock's constant and minimal neutral roughness length over sea (formulation of roughness length over sea)
- XRIMAX: limitation of Richardson number in drag computation
- XDELTA_MAX: maximum fraction of the foliage covered by intercepted water for high vegetation
- LVZIUSTAR0_ARP: flag to activate aladin formulation for zoh over sea
- LRRGUST_ARP: flag to activate the correction of CD, CH, CDN due to moist gustiness
- XVZIUSTAR0: aladin formulation for zoh over sea
- XRZHZ0M: aladin formulation for zoh over sea
- XRRSCALE: aladin formulation for zoh over sea
- XRRGAMMA: aladin formulation for zoh over sea
- XUTILGUST: correction of CD, CH, CDN due to moist gustiness
- LCPL_ARP: activate aladin formulation for Cp and L
- LQVNPLUS: An option for the resolution of the surface temperature equation (Arpege)
- LVERTSHIFT : vertical shifth from atmospheric orography to surface orography
- LVSHIFT_LW : flag to activate/deactivate vertical shift for LongWave radiations
- LVSHIFT_PRCP : flag to activate/deactivate vertical shift for Precip
- XCO2UNCPL : key for decoupling between CO2 employed for photosynthesis and radiative CO2 (in ppmv).