18) Tehcnical news for the assimilation part SODA (C. Albergel, S. Munier).
These changes include:
- the names of the observation fields can be given in the namelist (new entry COBS_M in NAM_OBS).
- The EKF scheme can run with ISBA-DF, and can have WG1, WG2... WG8 as variable fields.
- No more limitation on Jacobians values (was [-0.1,1]) but on analysis increments instead ([-1,1] for LAI, [-0.1,0.1] for SM)
- new diagnostics: Jacobian values, innovations and residuals (additionally to the analysis increments)
Also in this section
- 19) The XRD and DR_HOOK library are merged and updated to version 44.
- 17) A correction for the forcing radiation is introduced, under key (C. Szczypta, P. Le Moigne).
- 16) The possibility to give CONDSAT, MPOTSAT, BCOEF, WWILT, WFC and WSAT, by soil layer, in the namelist NAM_DATA_ISBA, is added.
- 15) The OFFLIN output fields are adapted to plot their fields with EPyGrAM.
- 14) The definition of the OFFLIN output fields to be written is suppressed from files init_outfn_....
- 13) The NETCDF forcing file can be partially read, by M. Lafaysse (CEN).
- 12) The output SNOW fields can be written 2D (number of points / number of snow layers), by M. Lafaysse (CEN).
- 11). The GRIB-API library is updated to version 1.17.0.
- 10). A first version of the new coding related to the building of ECOCLIMAP-SG
- 9). The fortran interface for NETCDF4 replaces the previous NETCDF3 interface