ALADIN Consortium
 ALADIN Documents

Other Publications without reviewing committee(besides seminars/workshops etc...)

1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999- 2000 - 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005

2005 :

2004 :

Haiden Th.:2004: NWP research in Austria. WGNE.

Ivatek-Sahdan S. and M. Tudor Use of high-resolution dynamical adaptation for the extreme wind estimate WGNE


2003 :

Haiden, T., 2003: Evaluation of analytical predictions of katabatic flow on a low-angle slope. Pre prints, ICAM and MAP Meeting, Brig, Switzerland, pp 150-152.

Soci C., A. Horányi and C. Fischer, 2003: Preliminary results of high resolution sensitivity studies using the adjoint of the ALADIN mesoscale numerical weather prediction model. Időjárás, Vol 107, No 1, pp 49-65.

Termonia P and E. Roulin: 2003: Numerieke modellering ten behoeve van neerslagvoorspellingen en hydrologische toepassingen. KMI wetenschappelijke en technische publicatie, n° 035.

2002 :

Bénard P. and J. Vivoda Theoretical examination of semi-implicit time-scheme for nonhydrostatic NWP WGNE

Bölöni, G., A. Horányi, 2002: Computation of background error covariances over the Hungarian domain: sensitivity studies using the lagged-NMC method. ALADIN Newsletter, no. 21. pp. 107.

Ivančan-Picek B. and V. Jurčec, 2002: Adriatic vortex generation predicted by the mesoscale ALADIN/LACE model. Hrvatski meteorološki časopis, 37, pp 15-26.

Mika Á., F. Ács, A. Horányi and G. Radnóti, 2002: Sensitivity of the ALADIN weather prediction model to the changes of soil texture. Időjárás, Vol 106., No. 2., pp. 39-58.

Tudor, M. and S. Ivatek Šahdan, 2002: MAP IOP 15 case study. Croatian Met. Jour., 37, pp 114.

2001 :

Ahrens, B., H. Seidl und K. Jasper, 2001: On the validation of ALADIN quantitative precipitation forecasts in an Alpine catchment. MAP Newsletter 15, pp 57-60.

Bölöni G., A. Horányi, 2001: Computation of background error statistics of a double nested limited area model. WGNE.

Fischer, C., A. Dziedzic, E. Gerard, A. Horányi, W. Sadiki, M. Siroka and C. Soci, 2001: The march towards 3D-VAR in ALADIN. LAM Newsletter, No. 30, February, 2001, 152-155.

Gerard, L., D. Banciu and J.-F. Geleyn, 2001, Evolution of a deep convection parameterisation scheme for operational models with increasing resolution, WGNE report.

Randriamampianina R.and F. Rabier, 2001: Use of locally received ATOVS radiances in regional NWP, SAF NWP report.

Siroka, M., G. Boloni, R. Brozkova, A. Dziedzic, C. Fischer, J.-F. Geleyn, A. Horanyi, W. Sadiki, and C. Soci, 2001: Innovative developments for a 3D-VAR analysis in a Limited Area Model: scale selection and blending cycle. Research activities in atmospheric and oceanic modelling. Report No. 31 of CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, 1, 53--54.

Termonia P. 2001: An overview of the verification of the operational ALADIN forecast during the year 2000 at the R.M.I. Belgium. KMI wetenschappelijke en technische publicatie, n° 016.

2000 :

Bartha, I., A. Horányi, and I. Ihász, 2000: The application of ALADIN model for storm warning purposes at Lake Balaton. Időjárás, Vol. 104., No 3., pp. 219-239.

Fischer, C., A. Dziedzic, E. Gerard, A. Horányi, W. Sadiki, M. Siroka, C. Soci, 2000: The march towards 3D-VAR in ALADIN. WGNE

Ivančan-Picek, B., D.Glasnović, V.Tutiš, 2000: MAP SOP heavy precipitation event - diagnosis by HRID and ALADIN/LACE. MAP newsletter, no.13, October 2000., pp 16-18.

1999 :

Banciu D., L. Gérard ., J.F. Geleyn : High resolution study of a squall line, LAM Newsletter n° 28, April 1999, pp. 158-168.

Berre L.: Estimation of Spatial Covariances Between Humidity, Mass and Wind Forecasts Errors in a High Resolution Limited Area Model, CAS-JSC WGNE Report n°28 February 1999, pp. 1.9-1.10.

Fischer C: The ALADIN project on 1997-98, LAM Newsletter n° 28, April 1999, pp. 15-18.

Gaytandjieva L., V. Cassé, P. Moll and J.N. Thépaut : 3DVAR and OI with Incremental Approach, CAS-JSC WGNE Report n°28 February 1999, pp. 1.17-1.18.

Gospodinov I., V. Spiridonov : Mass, Momentum and Energy Conserving, First Order Accurate in Time, Two time level, Semi-implicit Semi-Lagrangian Scheme, CAS-JSC WGNE Report n°28 February 1999, pp. 3.5-3.6.

Gospodinov I., V. Spiridonov : Mass, Momentum and Energy Conserving, First Order Accurate in Time, Two time level, Semi-implicit Semi-Lagrangian Scheme, LAM Newsletter n° 28, April 1999, pp. 124-130.

Marku M., C. Fischer, Evaluation of semi-linear or linear grids in ARPEGE-ALADIN, LAM Newsletter n° 28, April 1999, pp. 151-153.

Moisselin J.M., Validation of a new version of ALADIN and ARPEGE, LAM Newsletter n° 28, April 1999, pp. 136-139.

1998 :

Brzovic N. and V. Jurcec: Numerical simulation of the Adriatic cyclone development. Geofizika.

Horányi, A., Radnóti G. and Bubnová R., 1998: Limited Area Modelling for Central Europe (LACE). EWGLAM Newsletter, No. 27 pp. 29-31.

Ihász, I., 1998: First verification results of the ALADIN model in Central-Europen countries. EWGLAM Newsletter, no 27., pp. 163-174.

Janiskova M., J.N. Thépaut and J.F. Geleyn : Simplified and Regular Physical Parametrisations for Incremental 4D Variational Assimilation, CAS-JSC WGNE Report n°26, January 1998, pp. 4.13-4.14.

Janiskova M., J.N. Thépaut and J.F. Geleyn : 4D-Var assimilation experiments using a simplified physical parametrization package. Meteor. Jour., SHMI n° 1, pp. 5-14.

Janiskova M., J.N. Thépaut and J.F. Geleyn : Importance of regularization of the tangent linear model with simplified physical parametrization. Contr. Geophys. Inst. SAS, Serv. Meteor. vol. 18, pp. 65-75.

Hoffman J.: ALADIN, LAM Newsletter n° 27, February 1998, pp. 15-18.

1997 :

Bénard P, K. Yessad and R. Bubnova: Implementation of a Two-Time-Level Semi-Lagrangian Scheme in the Operational NWP Model at Météo-France, CAS-JSC WGNE Report n°25, January 1997, pp. 3.1-3.2.

Berre, L., 1997 : Non separable structure functions for the HIRLAM 3DVAR. HIRLAM Technical Report N°30, 40 pp.

Jerczynski M.: Some remarks on Two Formulations of Spatially Averaged Eulerian Treatment of Orography in a Semi-Lagrangian Scheme, CAS-JSC WGNE Report n°25, January 1997, pp. 3.15-3.16.

Pristov N. and A. Poredos: Study of coupling problem using the ALADIN model. EWGLAM Newsletter n° 27, Octobre, pp. 204-208.

Zagar M.: Dynamical Adaptation for Predicting Small-Scale Events, CAS-JSC WGNE Report n°25, January 1997, pp. 5.49-5.50.

1996 :

Banciu D., M. Caian, J.F. Geleyn: Spectral problems: Stretched versus LAM solutions diagnostic. LAM Newsletter n° 25, May 1996, pp. 161-175.

Brzovic N.: Extreme Convective Available Potential Energy Values in 1995. Extraordinary Meteorological and Hydrological Events in Croatia, vol. 19, pp. 71-78

Cordoneanu E. and J.F. Geleyn: Local-thermal circulations above the Carpathian-Black Sea area using ARPEGE/ALADIN model. LAM Newsletter n° 25, May 1996, pp. 176-197.

Hoffman J.: Recent developments in the ARPEGE/ALADIN framework, LAM Newsletter n° 25, May 1996, pp. 45-49.

Hoffman J.: Status of the ALADIN project in September 1996, LAM Newsletter n° 26, November 1996, pp. 13-15.

Horányi, A., Bubnová R. and Radnóti G., 1996: Limited Area Modelling for Central Europe (LACE). EWGLAM Newsletter, No. 26 1998, 25-29.

Horányi, A., I. Ihász, and G. Radnóti, 1996: ARPEGE/ALADIN: A numerical weather prediction model for Central-Europe with the participation of the Hungarian Meteorological Service. Időjárás, 100, pp 277-300.

Janiskova M., J.N. Thépaut and J.F. Geleyn: Development of simplified and regular physical parametrizations for use in four-dimensional incremental variational assimilation. In Contributions of the Geophysical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Series of Meteorology, vol. 17. and in LAM Newsletter n°26, November 1996, pp. 132-136.

Janiskova M.: The problems and questions of data assimilation for numerical weather prediction. Contributions of the Geophysical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Series of meteorology, vol. 16, Bratislava (SK), pp. 81-88.

Janousek M. : Semi-lagrangian development in the ARPEGE/ALADIN model, LAM Newsletter n° 25, May 1996, pp. 206-208.

1995 :

Bubnova R.: Experiments with the Nonhydrostatic version of ALADIN, LAM Newsletter n°24, March 1995, pp. 170-179.

Horanyi A. and A. Joly: Some aspects of the initial development of frontal waves using the doubly-periodic version of ARPEGE/ALADIN. PWPR Report Series n°7, WMO-TD n° 699, pp. 119-124.

Horanyi A.: International Project ARPEGE/ALADIN : main activities between October 1993 and October 1994. LAM Newsletter n°24, March 1995, pp. 151-161.

Janiskova M.: Study of problem of lateral boundary conditions for numerical weather prediction models. Contributions of the Geophysical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Series of meteorology, vol. 15, Bratislava, pp. 91-104.

Radnoti G., R. Ajjaji, R. Bubnova, M. Caian, E. Cordoneanu, K. Von Der Emde, J.D. Gril, J. Hoffman, A. Horanyi, S. Issara, V. Ivanovici, M. Janousek, A. Joly, P. Le Moigne, S. Malardel: The spectral limited area model ARPEGE/ALADIN. PWPR Report Series n°7, WMO-TD n° 699, pp. 111-117.

1994 :

Banciu, D., R. Bubnova, J.-F. Geleyn, I. Ihász, V. Ivanovici, P. Le Moigne, G. Radnóti, 1994: The International Project ALADIN. LAM Newsletter, no. 23.

Bubnova R., G. Hello, P. Bénard and J.F. Geleyn : Non Hydrostatic Dynamics in Presence of Orography in the ARPEGE/ALADIN Model, CAS-JSC WGNE Report n°19, February 1994, pp. 3.12-3.15.

Cordoneanu E., I. Draghici: The Black Sea - a significant source for generating/modifying atmospheric mesoscale processes above South-Eastern Romania, Journal of Romanian Physics, n° 7-8/1994.

Csigó I. and G. Radnóti: 1994: Comparison of initialization methods in a barotropic model. Időjárás, Vol. 98. No 1.

Janiskova M.: Study of coupling problem. Note ALADIN n°1, CNRM, Météo-France.

Janiskova M.: Study of the systematic errors in ALADIN associated to the physical part of the model. Note ALADIN n°7, CNRM, Météo-France, pp. 82.

Von Der Emde K. : Simulation einer Gebirgsüberströmung mit dem Ausschnittsmodell ALADIN. 23 Internationale Tagung fur Alpine Meteorologie, 5-9 September 1994, Lindau, pp. 172-175, Deutscher Wetterdienst.

1993 :

Bubnova, R., A. Horányi and S. Malardel, 1993: International Project ARPEGE/ALADIN. EWGLAM Newsletter, 1993, 117-130.

Horanyi A., M. Batka, R. Bubnova, E. Cordoneanu, V. Ducrocq, J.F. Geleyn, K. Von Der Emde, V. Ivanovici, I. Ihasz, M. Janousek, M. Jerczynski, A. Joly, S. Malardel, V. Pescaru, G. Radnoti, H. Seidl, L. Spacek and V. Spiridonov : A version of ARPEGE/IFS for mesoscale dynamical adaptation : ARPEGE/ALADIN. Research Activities in Atsmospheric and Oceanic Modelling. CAS-JSC WGNE Report n°18, January 1993, pp. 5.5-5.7.

Horányi, A., I. Ihász és G. Radnóti, 1993: New numerical weather prediction model for Central-Europe. Légkör, 1993/1. and 2.

Ivanovici V., C. Dutescu, G. Radnoti: Experiments to initialise limited area models using the digital filter. Meteorology and Hydrology, vol. 23, 1/1993.

1992 :

Cordoneanu E.: Characteristics of subjacent surface used in the parametrisation of the physical processes in the atmosphere. Meteorology and Hydrology, vol. 22, 2/1992, Bucharest.