The ALMIP overview document in PDF format can be downloaded
The regional domain is shown in
Fig.1., which extends from -20 to 30 E, and -5 to
20 N. This domain is used in Exp.s 1 and 2 (at a 0.5 degree spatial
resolution). The Exp.3 domain is called the sub-regional domain
(outlined in violet). The spatial resolution is 0.10 degrees.
The local scale data sites are located within
the three meso-scale intensive measurement zones. There is also the
possibility of a fourth local scale site at Dahra, Senegal (not shown).
Fig. 1. The regional scale domain. The sub-regional (mesoscale: violet outline) and rectangles
containing local sites are shown: Oueme (red), Niamey (orange), and
Gourma (blue). The ECOCLIMAP annual average LAI (m2 m-2) is contoured.
Fig. 2. The regional scale domain with topography (meters).
Note that most of the
pertinent information on the experiment can be found in the aforementioned overview document.