ALADIN Consortium
 ALADIN Documents

The "ALADINthèque"


A major effort has been made to collect and synthesize the available ALADIN documentation in paper format in Toulouse. Many notes, papers and reports have been compiled (documents until 2000), with an abstract for each. Future documents can be sent to using a standard model which has been proposed to you all, strict enough to keep within the printing rules and flexible enough to fit each and every cases.

This collection, the so-called ALADINthèque in French, provides a bibliographical support for all the developers in Toulouse and elsewhere. It might be also a useful starting point for a future computer database, though the text files themselves have not been compiled. To give an idea about the difficulty of this work, we can simply mention that the present list of documents was almost out of date the very day it was made public in Toulouse ...

It should be updated regularly. If you are interested in one of the document referenced in this list, please contact who will send you the corresponding paper copy. For more recent documents, the effort to keep also the corresponding postscript or text files should lead to an easier access.

The first version of the ALADINthèque was available in May 1999 with 88 references. The last update has been realized in December 1999 : 149 references are now in the ALADINthèque.

Since then, the ALADINthèque has been updated. As from 2004 all reports should have found their way on the web site, thanks to efforts made by every one. 

The list of the contents of this ALADINthèque is available here.