ALADIN Consortium
 ALADIN Documents

Agenda of the AROME-ALARO-ALADIN meeting, February 13, 2004, Prague

  1. 8h45 : Welcome and opening (Dr. I. Obrusnik, Director of CHMI & Vice-Chairman of RC LACE’s Council)

  1. Adoption of the Agenda

  1. Introductory talks on the general constraints of the considered projects ; Chairperson, I. Obrusnik:

    1. 8h55 : ALADIN2-ALARO (J-F Geleyn & G. Hello)

    2. 9h10 : AROME (F. Bouttier)

    3. 9h35 : LACE (D. Klaric & T. Haiden)

    4. 10h00 : ALADIN (D. Giard)

10h10 Coffee break

  1. 10h20 : Round table discussion of transversal problems ; Organisator and Moderator, A. Horanyi

  1. 11h30 : Recall on the way the preparatory documents for the 2004 work plan were built up and on the contributions used for it (G. Hello)

  1. 11h45 :Detailled study of the draft plan, preparation of a more complete version (Chairperson, R. Brozkova)

    1. First split by subprojects (TOOLBOX, AROME, ALARO-5km, ALARO-10km, ALAROPAC, ALADIN)

12h45-13h45 Lunch break

    1. Detailed split by scientific themes :

      1. Physics

      2. Data Assimialtion

      3. Predictability

      4. Dynamics

      5. Coupling

      6. Verification

      7. Maintenance and optimisation

      8. Operational evolutions

16h10 Coffee break

  1. 16h20 : Synthesis on the 2004 workplan, balancing of the available contributions across sub-projects and thematics, consequences on the Toulouse stays, …

  1. Programation of the next steps (training actions, coordination meetings, milestones, dependencies, …)

  1. Definition of priority topics for the Innsbruck 2004 ALADIN-workshop

  1. Decisions concerning the calendar and scope of the ‘extended Split Assembly’

  1. AOB

  1. Closing