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3. Proposed FASTEX cases for mesoscale simulations

At least two FASTEX cases should be simulated with the mesosale models. For the time being, we propose IOP 11 and IOP 16, whose main features are recalled hereafter. The selection of these two cases is a compromise between their meteorological representativity and their observational sampling (aircraft and satellite), particularly inside the Mesoscale Sampling Area (MSA). The parameters for the two cases are summarized in the following table:

  IOP 11 IOP 16
START OF SIMULATION 970205 at 12hUTC 970217 at 00hUTC
END OF SIMULATION 970206 at 00hUTC 970217 at 12hUTC
CENTRAL LATITUDE OF DOMAIN 55$^{\circ}$00N 55$^{\circ}$00N
CENTRAL LONGITUDE OF DOMAIN 20$^{\circ}$00W 11$^{\circ}$00W


Philippe LOPEZ