ALADIN Consortium
 ALADIN Documents

LTM's Terms of Reference

The ALADIN Programme Manager, with PAC's and LTMs advise, version approved by the ALADIN General Assembly in Budapest 10/11/2006

Local Team Managers (LTMs) are designated by each Member or acceding Member to be responsible for the execution of the contribution of that Member or acceding Member to the agreed Work Plan, and supervise the ALADIN Project Team members working at their premises. LTMs are thus the focal points of the NMSs regarding the ALADIN Programme, under the responsibility of their NMS Director.

The role of LTMs is often determined by the Work Plan. The latter's definition should involve them at a middle stage between the first guidelines given by PM and CSSI and the final adjustments made between PM and CSSI coordinators.

More precisely, for LTMs, all the above means that:

  • LTMs participate to the elaboration of the Work Plan in the above-mentioned canvas.
  • LTMs make all necessary steps to ensure at their local level the implementation of all activities under the agreed Work Plan, including resolution of day-to-day difficulties and definition of priorities against available resources, in liaison with the PM and/or the relevant CSSI persons.
  • The LTMs are responsible for the execution of any emergency measures trying to resolve issues that endangers or may endanger the execution of the agreed Work Plan when detected by PM, CSSI and LTMs.
  • LTMs should become the main responsible persons within the ALADIN Project Team for the emergence and consolidation of "transversal support to operations" activities (not to be confused with local operational implementations). This part of the work is the one obviously most in the hands of LTMs through all its stages.
  • In other transversal matters (R&D on NWP core parts and maintenance of the common code), LTMs should at least ensure the correct supervision (not necessarily by themselves) of basic tasks and the correct reporting of their outcome.
  • LTMs are responsible within their teams for ensuring that the repetitive tasks vital for the Programme's life (manpower statistics registration, newsletter contributions especially on local operational and R&D activities, ...) are carried out seriously and timely.
  • LTMs should make the best effort to attend the meetings organised to gather all of them (either at the occasion of the ALADIN Workshop or independently).
  • LTMs offer their full support to the PM and to the Local Team of the chosen venue for the organisation of the annual ALADIN Workshop. They should monitor the match between the Workshop's programme and the choice of the attendees from their teams as well as the latter's proposed contributions.
  • Each LTM keep his/her director informed about the necessary ALADIN work in order to allow him/her to endorse the ultimate responsibility of his/her NMHS participation