Average Meteorological and Oceanic data: data format

Average Meteorological and Oceanic data

1-minute data from Le Suroit

 No Parameter                                          Unit           Form. Miss
 -- ---------                                          ----           ----- ----

  1 WMO platform identifier                                           a14
  2 Latitude                                           dec.degr       f8.3
  3 Longitude                                          dec.degr       f8.3
  4 Begin date/time for the average (UTC)              YYYYMMDDHHMISS a14
  5 End date/time for the average (UTC)                YYYYMMDDHHMISS a14
  6 Pressure                                           hPa            f6.1  -999
  8 Air temperature (sensor 1)                         deg. C         f6.1  -999
  9 Air temperature (sensor 2)                         deg. C         f6.1  -999
 10 Relative humidity                                  %              i4    -999
 11 True wind direction                                degr           i4    -999
 12 True wind speed                                    m/s            f6.1  -999
 13 Apparent wind direction                            degr           i4    -999
 14 Apparent wind speed                                m/s            f6.1  -999
 15 Direction of motion of moving observing platform   degr           i4    -999
 16 Speed of motion of moving observing platform       m/s            i4    -999
 17 Sea-surface temperature                            deg. C         f6.1  -999
 18 Surface salinity                                   psu            f7.2  -999
 19 Surface density                                    Kg/m3          f7.2  -999
 20 Precipitation rate                                 mm/h           f6.1  -999
 21 Net radiation                                      W/m2           f6.1  -999
 22 Shortwave radiation                                W/m2           f6.1  -999
 23 Downward longwave radiation                        W/m2           f6.1  -999
 24 Height of base of the first cloud layer            m              i4    -999
 25 Height of base of the second cloud layer           m              i4    -999
 26 Height of base of the third cloud layer            m              i4    -999
 27 Position indicator                                                i4    -999
 28 Pressure indicator                                                i4    -999
 29 Temperature 1 indicator                                           i4    -999
 30 Temperature 2 indicator                                           i4    -999
 31 Ship heading and speed indicator                                  i4    -999
 32 Timestamp for the creation of the row              YYYYMMDDHHMISS a14

15-minutes and 1-hour average data from The Knorr

 No Parameter                                          Unit           Form. Miss
 -- ---------                                          ----           ----- ----

  1 WMO platform identifier                                           a14
  2 Latitude                                           dec.degr       f8.3
  3 Longitude                                          dec.degr       f8.3
  4 Begin date/time for the average (UTC)              YYYYMMDDHHMISS a14
  5 End date/time for the average (UTC)                YYYYMMDDHHMISS a14
  6 Pressure                                           hPa            f6.1  -999
  8 Air temperature                                    deg. C         f6.1  -999
 10 Relative humidity                                  %              i4    -999
 11 True wind direction                                degr           i4    -999
 12 True wind speed                                    m/s            f6.1  -999
 13 Maximum 1-min wind                                 degr           f6.1  -999
 15 Course over ground                                 degr           i4    -999
 16 Speed over ground                                  m/s            i4    -999
 17 Ship heading                                       degr           i4    -999
 18 Speed over water                                   m/s            i4    -999
 19 Sea-surface temperature (ship intake)              deg. C         f6.1  -999
 32 Timestamp for the creation of the row              YYYYMMDDHHMISS a14

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Updated : 31 Mar 1998