Satellite Imagery: data set description page

Data set source
Information on available Data
Data Processing
Data format
Satllite imagery selection page

Data set source

  • GOES EAST geostationary satellite
  • METEOSAT geostationary satellite
  • NOAA polar satellites

  • Information on available data in the FASTEX Central Archive

    Half-hourly Imagery for the five channels in Polar stereographic projection, grib format between 19970101:00Z and 19970301:00Z.
    Data received and computed at Meteo-France/CMS.
    GOES map area shows the domain used for GOES imagery.
    Half-hourly Imagery for the three channels in Polar stereographic projection, grib format between 19970101:00Z and 19970301:00Z.
    Data received at Meteo-France/CMS or sent by EUMETSAT to Meteo-France/CMS.
    Data computed at Meteo-France/CMS.
    The METEOSAT map area shows the domain used for METEOSAT imagery.
  • NOAA 12 and 14
    Orbit by orbit Imagery for the AVHRR five channels in Polar stereographic projection, grib format, for NOAA-12 and NOAA-14.
  • Eastern part of the FASTEX domain (data acquired and computed at Meteo-France/CMS (Lannion/France)) : between 970101 and 970228
  • Western part of the FASTEX domain (data acquired at AES (Halifax/Canada) and computed at Meteo-France/CMS) : between 970102 and 970228
  • The NOAA map area shows the domain used for NOAA imagery.

  • further information in the summary of the daily data available for each satellite.

  • Data Processing

  • Calibration/correction:

    Infrared and WaterVapor channels data are calibrated. Visible channel data are corrected when the zenital solar angle is below 60 degrees for GOES-EAST and METEOSAT, and 86 degrees for NOAA.

  • Geographic projection:

    All images are in Polar Stereographic projection - Central Meridian 50W - latitude of true scale: 45N

  • Domain:

                 Upper Left       Upper Right      Lower Right     Lower Leftt
    satellite    Corner(deg)      Corner(deg)      Corner(deg)     Corner(deg)
                 lat    lon       lat    lon       lat    lon      lat    lon
    ---------- ------ --------  ------ --------  ------ --------  ------ -------
    GOES-EAST  33.330 -140.000  69.249   40.000  24.212  -33.496  11.068  -91.035
    METEOSAT   79.598 -140.000  40.730   40.000  14.624  -13.471  25.840  -58.430
    NOAA(East) 90.000    0.000  40.728   40.000  18.645  -10.194  32.311  -50.000
    NOAA(West) 44.174 -127.471  78.316  -23.435  24.378  -45.914  15.147  -82.735
  • Image Size and resolution:

                         Size (km)   Resolution   Size(pixels)
    satellite channels  X(km) Y(km)  x(km) y(km)  columns rows
     -------- --------  ----- -----  ----- -----  ------- ----
    GOES-EAST 1,2,4,5   7875  6750    7.5   7.5    1050    900
    GOES-EAST    3      7875  6750   15.   15.      525    450
    METEOSAT    VIS     6000  6750    5.    5.     1200   1350
    METEOSAT  IR, WV    6000  6750    7.5   7.5     800    900
    NOAA       all      5000  6000    2.    2.     2500   3000
    (resolution given at 45N)
  • Range:

    All data values are between 0 and 255, coded on 8 bits. To retrieve brightness temperature (or Albedo) from the data values, the following fonction should applied:
    Infrared channels (GOES channels 2,4,5, METEOSAT IR channel, NOAA channels 3,4,5)
         Tb (Kelvin) = value + 100
    Water Vapor channels (GOES channel 3, METEOSAT WV channel)
         Tb (Kelvin) = value / 3 + 180
    Visible channels (GOES channel 1, NOAA channels 1,2) No calibration for METEOSAT VIS channel
         NOAA channels 1,2:
         Albedo (%) = 100 * value / 255
         GOES channel 1:
         Albedo (%) = 100 * value / 255 -6.2

  • Data format

  • File name :

    Each file name *.grb.gz is made by appending the satellite and domain identifier , the channel, the reception date and time in the YYYYMMDDHHMISS format.
    The satellite identifiers are G8, MET, ndh, ndl, njh, njl respectively for GOES-EAST, METEOSAT, NOAA-12 Halifax domain, NOAA-12 Lannion domain, NOAA-14 Halifax domain and NOAA-14 Lannion domain.
    FOR NOAA-12 and NOAA-14, the time is the first time of reception for this orbit (north limit for southbound orbits and south limit for northbound orbits).
    Files are compressed with gzip.

  • Format description :

    WMO GRIB files
     Section 0 (indicator section) :  8 bytes
     Section 1 (product definition): 40 bytes
     Section 2 (grid description)  : 32 bytes
     No section 3
     Section 4 (binary data)       : 11 bytes description 
                                     + columns*rows bytes
                                     + 0 or 1 byte
     Section 5 (end section)       : 4 bytes

    Main information included in section 1:

  • Satellite identifier (byte no.10 in the section, no.18 since file beginning)
    131: GOES-EAST, 121: METEOSAT, 143: NOAA-12, 145: NOAA-14
  • Spectral band (bytes no.11 and 12 in the section, no.19 and 20 since file beginning)
         GOES-EAST: channel 1: 129-0 ;channel 2: 128-2 ; channel 3: 135-0
                    channel 4: 128-0 ;channel 5: 128-5
         METEOSAT : VIS channel: 129-0 ;IR channel: 128-0 ;WV channel: 135-0
         NOAA     : channel 1: 131-0 ;channel 2: 132-0 ; channel 3: 128-3
                    channel 4: 128-0 ;channel 5: 128-5
  • Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute of data (bytes no.13 to 17 in the section, no.21 to 25 since file beginning)
  • Main information included in section 2:

  • Number of points along X axis (bytes no.7 and 8 in the section, no.55 and 56 since file beginning) coded in 2 bytes
  • Number of points along Y axis (bytes no.9 and 10 in the section, no.57 and 58 since file beginning) coded in 2 bytes
  • Latitude of first grid point (bytes no.11 to 13 in the section, no.59 to 61 since file beginning) in degrees*1000, coded in 3 bytes bit 1 equal 1 indicate south latitude
  • Longitude of first grid point (bytes no.14 to 16 in the section, no.62 to 64 since file beginning) in degrees*1000, coded in 3 bytes bit 1 equal 1 indicate west longitude
  • X direction increment (bytes no.21 to 23 in the section, no.69 to 71 since file beginning) in meters,coded in 3 bytes
  • Y direction increment (bytes no.24 to 26 in the section, no.72 to 74 since file beginning) in meters, coded in 3 bytes

  • Updated: 18 Mar 1998

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