Bibliography of the ALATNET Seminar on High Resolution Modelling
- Giard, D. and E. Bazile, 2000 : Implementation of a new assimilation
scheme for soil and surface variables in a global NWP model. Monthly Weather
Review, vol. 128, n° 4, pp. 997-1015.
- Cox, P., 1996 : An improved land surface scheme for the UKMO Unified Model
- Potential impact on dry summer forecast errors. HIRLAM/SRNWP Workshop on
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Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, pp. 79-86.
- Noilhan, J. and S. Planton, 1989 : A simple parameterization of land
surface processes for meteorological models. Monthly Weather Review, vol. 117,
pp. 536-549.
- Noilhan, J. and J.F. Mahfouf, 1996 : The ISBA land surface
parameterisation scheme. Global Planet. Change, vol. 13, pp. 145-149.
- Viterbo, P. and A. Beljaars, 1995 : An improved land surface
parameterization scheme in the ECMWF model and its validation. Journal
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Journal of Climatological, vol. 5, pp. 119-143.
- Bazile, E., 1999 : The soil wather freezing in ISBA. HIRLAM Newsletter,
n° 3, May 1999, pp. 92-95.
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content for use in atmospheric prediction models. Journal of Applied
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and moisture, with inclusion of a layer of vegetation. Journal of Geophysical
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representation of soil moisture freezing and its impact on the stable boundary
layer. Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 125, pp. 2401-2426.
- Champeaux, J.L., D. Arcos, E. Bazile, D. Giard, J.P. Goutorbe, F. Habets,
J. Noilhan and J.L. Roujean, 2000 : AVHRR-derived vegetation mapping over
Western Europe for use in numerical weather prediction models. Journal Remote
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parameterization for the Météo-France climate model. Part. I :
validation in stand-alone experiments. Climate Dynamics, vol. 12, pp. 21-35.
- Noilhan, J. and J.F. Mahfouf, 1996 : The ISBA land surface
parameterisation scheme. Global and Planetary Change, vol. 13, pp. 145-159.
- Noilhan, J. and S. Planton, 1989 : A simple parameterization of land
surface processes for meteorological models. Monthly Weather Review, vol. 11,
pp. 536-549.
- Chandrakant M. Bhumralkar, 1975 : Numerical experiments on the computation
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the surface boundary layer of an atmosphere circulation model. Quarterly
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Semi-Implicit :
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integration scheme for baroclinic modes of the atmosphere. Mon. Wea. Rev.,
100, 329-335.
- Simmons, A.J. and C. Temperton, 1997 : Stability of a two-time-level
semi-implicit integration scheme for gravity wave motion. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 600-615.
- Simmons, A.J. and D.M. Burridge, 1981 : An energy and angular-momentum
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Radiative Upper Boundary Conditions :
- Bubnova, R., 1995 : Integration of the fully elastic equations cast in the
hydrostatic pressure terrain-following coordinate in the Framework of the
ARPEGE/ALADIN NWP system. Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 515-535.
- Bougeault, P., 1983 : A non-reflective upper boundary condition for
limited-height hydrostatic models. Mon. Wea. Rev., 111, 420-429.
- Klemp, J.B. and D.R. Durran, 1983 : An upper boundary condition permitting
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111, 430-444.
Anti-Fibrillation :
- Girard, C. and Y. Delage, 1990 : Stable schemes for non-linear vertical
diffusion in atmospheric circulation models. Mon. Wea. Rev., 118, 737-745.
- Bénard, P., A. Marki, P.N. Neytchev and M.T. Prtenjak, 2000 :
Stabilization of non-linear vertical diffusion schemes in the context of NWP
models. Mon. Wea. Rev., 128, 1937-1948.
SISL Resonnance Problem :
- Héreil, P. and R. Laprise, 1996 : Sensitivity of internal gravity
waves solutions to the time step of a semi-implicit semi-lagrangian
non-hydrostatic model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 124, 972-999.
- Rivest, C., A. Staniforth and A. Robert, 1994 : Spurious resonant response
of semi-lagrangian discretizations to orographic forcing : diagnosis and
solution. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 366-376.
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techniques for horizontal discretization in numerical weather prediction
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- Tanguay, M., E. Yakimiw, H.R. Ritchie and A. Robert, 1992 : Advantages of
spatial averaging in semi-implicit semi-lagrangian schemes. Mon. Wea. Rev.,
120, 113-123.
- Ritchie, H. and M. Tanguay, 1996 : A comparison of spatially averaged
eulerian and semi-lagrangian treatments of mountains. Mon. Wea. Rev., 124, 167-181.
- Berre, L., 2000: Estimation of synoptic and meso scale forecast error
covariances in a limited area model. Monthly Weather Review, 128, 644-667.
- Courtier, P., Thépaut, J.-N. and Hollingsworth, A., 1994: A
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- Janiskovà, M., Thépaut, J.-N., and Geleyn, J.-F., 1999:
Simplified and regular physical parametrizations for incremental
four-dimensional variational assimilation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 26-45.
- Parrish, D.F. and Derber, J.C., 1992: The National Meteorological Centre's
spectral statistical interpolation analysis system. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 1747-1763.
- Thépaut, J.-N., Courtier, P., Belaud, G. and Lemaitre G., 1995:
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- Bubnová, R., G. Hello, P. Bénard and J.-F. Geleyn, 1995:
Integration of the fully elastic equations cast in the hydrostatic pressure
terrain-following coordinate in the framework of the ARPEGE/ALADIN NWP system.
Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 515-535.
- Bubnová, R., 1998: Vertical discretization problems for very
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Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric modelling, ECMWF,
7-11 September 1998, p 226-265.
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transformation for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. J. Comput.
Phys., 17, 209-228.
- Geleyn, J.-F., R. Bubnová, 1997: The fully-elastic equations cast
in hydrostatic-pressure coordinate: accuracy and stability aspects of the
scheme as implemented in ARPEGE/ALADIN. Atmosphere-Ocean, special issue in
memoriam of André Robert.
- Hollingsworth, A., 1995: A spurious mode in the ''Lorenz”
arrangement of Ö and T which does not exist in the
''Charney-Phillips” arrangement. ECMWF Technical Memorandum No. 211, 12pp.
- Laprise, R., 1992: The Euler equations of motion with hydrostatic pressure
as an independent variable. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 197-207
- Simmons, A., and D. Burridge, 1981: An energy and angular momentum
conserving vertical finite-difference scheme and hybrid vertical coordinates.
Mon. Wea. Rev., 109, 2003-2012.
- White, A.A. and R.A. Bromley, 1995: Dynamically consistent,
quasi-hydrostatic equations for global models with a complete representation
of the Coriolis force. Quart. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 121, pp. 399-418.
- Yessad, K., 2000: Abandon de l'hypothèse de couche mince dans
ARPEGE/IFS et ALADIN: étude de faisabilité et écriture
d'un jeu d'équations modifiées pour le modèle
hydrostatique. En français, disponible auprès de
- Yessad, K., 2000: Abandon de l'hypothèse de couche mince dans
ARPEGE/IFS et ALADIN: étude de faisabilité et écriture
d'un jeu d'équations modifiées pour le modèle
non-hydrostatique. En français, disponible auprès de
- Documentations of the ARPEGE/ALADIN physics (en français / in
english). Contact point in both cases =
- Hauf, T. and H. Höller, 1987: Entropy and potential temperature. J.
Atmos. Sci., 44, pp. 2887-2901.
- Marquet, P., 1993: Exergy in meteorology: Definition and properties of
moist available enthalpy. Quart. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 119, pp. 567-590.
- Geleyn, J.-F., E. Bazile, P. Bougeault, M. Déqué, V.
Ivanovici, A. Joly, L. Labbé, J.-P. Piédelièvre, J.-M.
Piriou and J.-F. Royer, 1994: Atmospheric parametrisation schemes in
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parametrisations in numerical models, pp. 385-402.
- François, S., 1996: Rapport de stage. En français,
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- McDonald, A., 1998: The origin of noise in semi-Lagrangian integrations.
ECMWF Seminar 98: Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric
modelling, pp. 308-334.
- Wedi, N.P., 1999: The numerical coupling of the physical parameterisations
to the ``dynamical'' equations in a forecast model. ECMWF Technical Memorandum
N° 274, 37 pp..
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- Kalnay, E. and M. Kanamitsu, 1988: Time schemes for strongly non-linear
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- Girard, C. and Y. Delage, 1990: Stable schemes for non-linear vertical
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- Bénard, P., A. Marki, P. N. Neytchev and M. T. Prtenjak, 2000:
Stabilisation of non-linear vertical diffusion schemes in the context of NWP
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- Cuxart, J., 1997: Planetary Boundary Layer simulations: from LES to
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- Lott, F. and M. Miller, 1997: A new sub-grid scale orographic drag
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- Ritter, B. and J.-F. Geleyn, 1992: A comprehensive radiation scheme for
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M. Hamrud, 1995 : Implementation of the semi-lagrangian method in a high
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eulerian and semi-lagrangian treatments of mountains. Mon. Wea. Rev., 124, 167-181.
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semi-lagrangian discretizations to orographic forcing : diagnosis and
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Academic Press.
- Atmosphere-ocean dynamics, A.E. Gill, 1982, Academic Press.
For coupling lecture:
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- G. Radnoti, 1995: Comments on "a spectral limited-area formulation
with time dependent boundary conditions applied to the shallow water
equations". MWR. Vol. 123, No 10.
For finite difference and galorkin methods lecture:
- F. Mesinger A. Arakawa,1976: Numerical methods used in atmospheric models.
GARP publication series. No. 17.
- R.W. Riddaway, 1986: An introduction to numerical methods for weather
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Precipitationswith Dynamic Adaptation. Thesis defended in Ljubljana on 25th of
January 2000.