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FullPos is a powerful and sophisticated post-processing package. It is intended to be used for operation and research as well. FullPos can perform vertical interpolations, horizontal (…)
Article published on 5 February 2021
This document from Ryad El Khatib is the support of a training course of Fortran High Performance omputing for scientists and developers. The purpose of this course is to let developers be aware (…)
Article published on 19 August 2020
This document describes the choices made at Météo France in order to efficiently assimilate OPERA radar data, using the metadata and the quality flags existing in the files available on the (…)
Article published on 14 February 2020
The epygram library package is a set of Python classes and functions designed to handle meteorological fields in Python, as well as interfacing their storage in various usual (or not) data (…)
Article published on 10 February 2020
A new global turbulence forecast product for aeronautics Aeronautical turbulence is a major risk for this sector with dozen of millions of dollars for companies, and more than 7000 hours of sick (…)
Article published on 10 January 2020