C3S User Workshop on Regional Reanalysis
User workshop devoted to regional reanalysis in the Copernicus Climate Change Service framework. Presentation of the C3S service and user feedback.
1. Introduction to the service, Semjon Schimanke - SMHI
2. Principles of reanalysis, Per Unden - SMHI
3. Availability of UERRA-HARMONIE data, Semjon Schimanke - SMHI
4. Availability of SURFEX-MESCAN data, Patrick Le Moigne - MF
5. Data access, Ludvig Isaksson - SMHI
6. Regional reanalyses applications at Meteo-France and further needs, Matthieu Sorel - MF
7. TheMountain component of the C3S-SIS European Tourism: towards pan-European analysis and projections of natural and managed snow conditions, Marc Pons - Snow and Mountain Research Center of Andorra
8. ERA5global reanalysis, and introduction to the CDS, Cornel Soci - ECMWF
9. Intercomparison of European regional reanalyses, Frank Kaspar - DWD
10. Use of UERRA reanalysis for seasonal hydrological forecasts, Francois Besson - MF