This namelist controls the time interval and the observation/background settings for OI_main (oi_cacsts).

Fortran name Fortran type values default value
NECHGU integer 6
XRCLIMCA real 0.
XRCLISST real 0.05
XSIGH2MO real 0.1
XSIGT2MO real 1.0
XSIGWGO real 0.06
XSIGWGB real 0.06
XSIGW2B real 0.03
LOBSWG logical T
LOBS2M logical F
LIMVEG logical T
XSPRECIP2 real 4.0
XRTHR_QC real 3.0
XSIGWGO_MAX real 6.0
XRSCAL_JAC real 4.0

  • NECHGU : coefficient for OI & number of hours separating 2 observation times.
  • XRCLIMCA : nudging coefficient to the climatology of surface fields.
  • XRCLISST : nudging coefficient to the climatology of SST
  • XSIGH2MO : standard deviation of the "observation" error for Hu2m
  • XSIGT2MO : standard deviation of the "observation" error for T2m
  • XSIGWGO : observation error for WG
  • XSIGWGB : background error for WG
  • XSIGW2B : background error for W2
  • LOBSWG : if T, assimilation of WG
  • LOBS2M : if T, assimilation of T2M + RH2M (with WG)
  • LIMVEG : activation of limitation at wp > veg*wwilt
  • XSPRECIP2 : coefficient for OI.
  • XRTHR_QC : coefficient for OI.
  • XSIGWGO_MAX : maximum acceptable WG obs error (%).
  • XRSCAL_JAC : to modify the "effective" assimilation window.

Also in this section