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Article published on 25 October 2006
last modification on 25 November 2008

by Patricia

Announcement on October 19, 2006

Message for ALADIN coordinators, Hirlam Project Manager, ECMWF, COSMO and Met Office contact points, RPN (Meteorological Research Branch of Meteorological Service of Canada) teachers

Dear colleagues,

This is the official announcement for the Surface/Surfex workshop to be held on December 11-12-13th 2006 in Toulouse.
The draft program (with some talkmasters/teachers/supervisors) is included in this message, together with information for accommodation.
All this is also available on aladin webpages :
(on-line presentations, documentation and minutes of the discussions will be added to this page after the workshop; please note that no paper proceedings will be prepared).

The two major goals of the workshop are the preparation of a common ALADIN/HIRLAM plan on surface modelization, and practical lectures and discussions on the use of Surfex, more oriented towards the preparation of Surfex runs in partner institutes.

Due to the limited amount of persons for the computer room, we intend to restrict the number of attendees to about 16-20 (each PC will be shared by 2 persons).
Jeanette for HIRLAM and Claude for ALADIN will made some arbitration in case too many scientists would indicate their interest. The COSMO and the UKMO consortia also are invited to join with one participant.

The deadline for registration to this workshop is November 8, 2006.

We haven’t made any block reservation for accomodation. You may choose any hotel from the joined list and book directly with it. You may also benefit from a single room in the residence of the Meteopole (in that case, please contact

Kind regards,

PS: MF may provide some financial support to ALADIN attendees. This needs to be checked on case by case. Please contact us.