2. Resources

What are the different formats implemented in my configuration ? (some may be deactivated in config for simpler installation)

>>> import epygram
>>> epygram.init_env()
>>> epygram.config.implemented_formats
['netCDF', 'GRIB', 'GeoPoints', 'TIFFMF', 'FA', 'LFI', 'DDHLFA', 'LFA']

There is a proxy to open an exisiting resource without making an explicit reference to its format, e.g.:

>>> a_resource = epygram.formats.resource('ICMSHAROM+0042', 'r')

(where ‘r’ stands for ‘read’ opening mode), that uses the underneath guessing function

>>> epygram.formats.guess('ICMSHAROM+0042')

For opening a new resource in writing mode, specifying the format is though necessary:

>>> a_resource = epygram.formats.resource('ICMSHAROM+0042_new', 'w', fmt='FA')

All resources of different formats share a set of common methods, such as listfields(), readfield() and writefield(), that behave very similarly and return the same kind of objects.

2.1. Explore resources

Let’s open an historic FA file from AROME and explore it.

>>> r = epygram.formats.resource('ICMSHAROM+0042', 'r')
>>> r.format
>>> type(r)
<class 'epygram.formats.FA.FA'>
>>> r.isopen
>>> r.openmode

But I may want later to add a field in this resource ? Let’s reopen it with ‘append’ mode.

>>> r.close()
>>> r.isopen
>>> r.open(openmode='a')
>>> r.openmode

Where is my resource stored ?

>>> print r.container
File containing:
    _abspath: /home/mary/worktmp/ICMSHAROM+0042
    filename: ICMSHAROM+0042
>>> r.container.absdir
>>> r.container.basename

In this case, the container of the resource is a File, but it could be something else, a memory address for instance...

Now let’s explore what’s inside this FA file.

>>> r.empty
# there are fields in there
>>> r.listfields()
>>> len(r.listfields())

2.1.1. Some FA additional properties

The case of FA is a bit specific in that the temporal and geometric metadata is common to the whole resource and shared by all fields. Therefore, the resource “has a geometry”:

>>> print r.geometry
D3ProjectedGeometry containing:
    _center_lon: Angle containing:
        _degrees: 2.0
        _radians: 0.0349065850399
        _origin_value: 0.0349065850399
        _origin_unit: radians
        reference_lat: Angle containing:
            _cos_sin: (0.6858183529273761, 0.7277727576572106)
            _degrees: 46.7
            _radians: 0.815068760681
            _origin_value: 0.815068760681
            _origin_unit: radians
        reference_lon: Angle containing:

and optionally a spectral geometry as well:

>>> print r.spectral_geometry
SpectralGeometry containing:
        in_X: 719
        in_Y: 767
        shape: elliptic
    space: bi-fourier

and also a validity (embedded in a list of 1 element):

>>> print r.validity[0]
FieldValidity containing:
    _basis: 2014-12-01 00:00:00
    _date_time: 2014-12-02 18:00:00
    _statistical_process_on_duration: None
    _cumulativeduration: 3:00:00

Also, has been included a function to look for fields with a generic seed, e.g.:

>>> r.find_fields_in_resource('*RAY*')
>>> r.find_fields_in_resource('S06[1-3]WIND.?.PHYS')
>>> r.find_fields_in_resource(['S090TEMP*', 'SURF*'])

The encoding of fields is also available:

  • on request:

    >>> r.fieldencoding('SURFTEMPERATURE')
    {'spectral': False, 'KSTRON': 0, 'KPUILA': 0, 'KNGRIB': 2, 'KNBITS': 16}
    >>> r.fieldencoding('SPECSURFGEOPOTEN')
    {'spectral': True, 'KSTRON': 0, 'KPUILA': 0, 'KNGRIB': 0, 'KNBITS': 0}
  • and stored by time of reading:

    >>> r.fieldscompression
    {'S001TEMPERATURE': {'KNBPDG': 18, 'KSTRON': 106, 'KPUILA': 1, 'KNGRIB': 2, 'KNBCSP': 18},

2.2. Field identifier (fid)

FA fields are identified by a character string name. Other formats may identify fields differently, for instance GRIB with a set of key:value pairs.

As an example for GRIB, the epygram.formats.GRIB.GRIB.listfields method returns a list of dicts:

>>> g = epygram.formats.resource('GRIDHSTFRANGP0025+0003', 'r')
>>> g.format
>>> g.listfields()
[{'typeOfLevel': 'surface', 'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel': 1, 'name': 'Temperature',
'level': 0, 'table2Version': 1, 'editionNumber': 1, 'shortName': 't',
'paramId': 130, 'indicatorOfParameter': 11},

Field identifiers as an attribute of Fields objects will be detailed in section Field identifier (fid) of the tutorial.

2.3. Juggling with resources

Transferring a field from one resource to another is almost as simple as telling it:

>>> source_r = epygram.formats.resource('ICMSHAROM+0042', 'r')
>>> dest_r = epygram.formats.resource('ICMSHAROM+0042_bis', 'a')
>>> f = source_r.readfield('SURFTEMPERATURE')
>>> type(f)
<class 'epygram.fields.H2DField.H2DField'>
>>> dest_r.writefield(f)
# [2016/05/04-15:20:53][epygram.formats.FA][writefield:0980][INFO]: there
already is a field with the same name in this FA: overwrite.

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3. Fields

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