FASTEX Electra Chief Scientist Checklist

Flight Number: RF4 / 970125

Date: 970125

Proposed T/O Time (UTC): 1900

Primary Mission: Systematic Survey

Aircraft Crew:

Scientific Crew

Chief Scientist: Hildebrand, Wakimoto

Doppler Scientist: Lee, LeMaitre

Cloud Physics Scientist:

Observers: Paul Herzegh, Hans Verlinde

Observer: Stephan Uri, Brian Bosart, Stephan Uri

Observer: Cheng Liu, Huachenq Qui,

Aircraft ID: Electra N308D

Base of Operations: Shannon

Alternate Mission: --

Flight Crew

RAF Project Manager: Laursen

Pilot: Boynton

Co-Pilot: Gentslinger

Flight Engineer: Ringleman

RAF Tech: Zrubek

ELDORA Engineer: Loew

Location: Shannon

Mission Briefing (including proposed flight patterns):

Feature Specific study of cold frontal and possible frontal wave precipitation structures in the vicinity of 55.5N, 18W. The P-3 took of at 1945 and will execute a figure 4 large scale pattern and we will depart an hour later, fly over the buoy at 55N, 12W, then go the IP at 55.5/-16 and investigate cloud features along the frontal surfaces.

Take off Time (UTC): 0901 Landing Time (UTC): 1542 Location: Shannon

Official Mission Duration: 7 hours (from Flight Director)

Tapes Utilized: Data Sys.: Radar: WARDS: Video:

FASTEX Aircraft Chief Scientist Event Log

Flight Number: RF4 / 970125 Page 1 of 1

Date: 970125 Aircraft ID: Electra N308D Scientist taking flight notes: Hildebrand

Event Log

 Time    Position                                 Events & Comments                                
(UTC)   (Lat, Lon)                                                                                 
2140                The failure of starters delayed the departure.                                 
234300  52.694,     Takeoff Shannon. Early in the flight, after reaching cruse altitude, we        
        -8.925      tested three different headers to evaluate the effect on radar operation.      
                    These headers were: 1)  the basic Fastex header, 2) a new header that is the   
                    same as basic, but with 3 frequencies and a 1.75 microsec pulse, and 3) the    
                    sensitivity-3 header, which is the same as #2, but with half the rotation      
                    rate and 960m along track sampling.                                            
0051    56,-15      Begin descent to initial point.                                                
0103                Crossed the cold front.56.5, -15.8                                             
0109                Turning to the north.                                                          
0113    56.95,      Turning to the east toward the front.                                          
011530              Note wave-like nature of surface cloud returns to the left fore radar          
0122    56.9,       Winds are beginning to shift, but very slowly. Front is extremely diffuse.     
                    ATRL is intermittent. Use ATRR for analysis on this flight.                    
0126    56.9,       Can see the front approaching in the fore radar.                               
012740  56.915,     Through the front, into the jet (22 m/s) to the east.                          
0130                Turning left to 050                                                            
013805              At the front. Very weak. Turbulent.                                            
013940              Turning to 180 to go south throught the front.                                 
014717              Turning to 090. we have passed through an area of gravity waves: 0140-0145.    
014940  56.67,      Going through the diffuse front.                                               
0150                Elevated precip cellc off to the right, to SE of the front.                    
                    Turning to the north.                                                          
015440              Frontal wind change is visible in ELDORA with a precipitation feature off to   
                    the east by 20 km.                                                             
015614              In a wind shift area with increased turbulence and a 1C temp drop, but still   
                    in the warm air.                                                               
020110  57.315,     At the front, winds changeing to the NE., temo and mr dropping.                
020250  57.424,     Turning to 040.                                                                
0207    57.59,      Front is visible 30 km to the right in the fore radar, 26 km in the aft        
        -14.08      radar. We are gradually getting closer to the front. There are a bout 2C of    
                    thermal contrast on this front.                                                
0215                On the warm side of the front now.                                             
                    Turning to the west to go back through the front.                              
0220                Going throught hte front.                                                      
022140              Turning to 250.                                                                
0227                Turn to 090.                                                                   
0234                On the east side of the front.                                                 
0238                Heading 270.                                                                   
0242                Crosssi ng the front.                                                          
0249                Turning to the east                                                            
0257                Through the front                                                              
030309              Turning to the west.                                                           
                    Climbing from minimum altitude of 200m                                         
0315                Descending from maxiim altitude of 1380m                                       
0316                Winds are turning throught the east..previously they have turned throught      
                    the west.                                                                      
0318                Ending descent at 440m minimum altitude, climbing.                             
0323                Descenting  from 1700m, continuing heading to the west.                        
0327                Ascending from 660m.                                                           
0332                At 2300m, turning to the east, descending to 200m for a flight leg to -12.5    
                    W. Then ferry to Shannon.                                                      
0339                At 200m, heading east.                                                         
0356                Starting to cross the frontal zone.                                            
035930              Winds have changed into the easterly, warm airmass. Continuing tot he east     
                    to -12deg.                                                                     
0404                Heading for Shannon, Climbing                                                  
        52.694,     Landing.                                                                       