Flight Number: 970110H1 Page of

Date: Jan 10 1997 Aircraft ID: 42 Scientist: Jorgensen

Event Log

  Time      Position (Lat,                      Event & Comments                     
  (UTC)          Lon)                                                                
02:05      SHANNON            BLOCKOUT                                               
02:11      SHANNON            Take off                                               
2:19:33    52.977   -9.448    Climb out                                              
2:22:18                       Metman and 308D contact                                
2:25:33                       Metman extimates their IP at 3:20 UTC, about 10 min    
2:41:57    53.818  -11.773    308D TO at 2:14                                        
2:43:21    53.869  -11.922    LF radar being worked on                               
2:55:11    54.430  -13.108    LF radar back up                                       
3:03:28    55.052  -13.531    No return on TA, ETA to Buoy 0315                      
3:16:11    55.976  -14.179    Over buoy - turn to track to pt 1                      
3:22:59    56.012  -14.990    Entered NOTAM area turning to pt 1                     
3:26:19                       Appears to be a tilt bias in LF 0 to left, +5 to       
3:30:14                       308D estimates their point 1 at 0402 ours is 0346      
3:32:57                       308D entered Ops area at 0331                          
3:38:44    55.129  -15.884    Begin descent to point 1                               
3:45:09    54.775  -16.248    Precip bands 20 miles ahead 30 dBZ max                 
3:47:21    54.662  -16.373    At IP pearl in good precip until 308D gets to their    
3:53:09    54.720  -16.389    Having to correct back to the south due to 40 knot S   
4:04:55    54.706  -16.450    At Pt. 1 track to point 2 on leg 1                     
4:06:37                       LF tilt appears more stable                            
4:13:52    55.060  -17.406    Appear to be tracking between two bands of precip      
4:17:20    55.187  -17.788    Entering pearl                                         
4:20:05    55.230  -17.793    End pearl                                              
4:25:21    55.386  -18.371    Precip intensity increasing                            
4:33:53    55.687  -19.341    Start pearl precip only about 25 dBZ                   
4:36:25                       Still leading 308 by several minutes                   
4:37:19    55.725  -19.426    End of pearl                                           
4:45:29                       308D climbing to 15kft to see if static charging       
                              reduces and improves data system problems              
4:49:22    56.142  -20.797    Precip intensity increasing - specks of 40 dBZ on LF   
4:50:30    56.181  -20.921    Start pearl wind speed decreasiing as we go west.      
4:54:45    56.232  -21.078    End pearl                                              
4:58:59    56.354  -21.557    Radar data system down for a minute or so              
5:02:25    56.462  -21.943    Convective looking cells to our south 10-20 km         
5:07:27    56.612  -22.499    End of leg - start pearl                               
5:12:18    56.532  -22.612    End of pearl - track to point 3                        
5:33:00    55.314  -23.370    At point 3 - pearl - apparent dry slot 20 miles ahead  
5:35:19                       Slight fore/aft bias in LF tilt?                       
5:37:40    55.290  -23.208    End of pearl - track 095 to point 4                    
5:51:48    55.141  -21.588    Start pearl - precip fairly heavy (25-30 dBZ) and      
                              very stratiform                                        
5:55:44    55.127  -21.493    End of pearl                                           
6:05:49    54.991  -20.400    winds picking back up again 112/27 knts - sfc          
                              pressure dropped 2-3 mb during this leg - echo tops    
                              4-5 km above                                           
6:12:15    54.918  -19.768    Begin pearly - sfc press now 985 mb                    
6:16:16    54.935  -19.716    End of the pearl                                       
6:18:22    54.901  -19.522    penetratiing 45 dBZ cells                              
6:27:23    54.767  -18.652    now in very light precip - no pearl due to lack of     
6:34:50                       playing with the LF tilt to figure out biases          
6:39:09    54.593  -17.469    small shallow (1-2 km tops) convective looking cells   
                              across track - temps higher by 2-3 degrees during      
                              this run                                               
6:41:27    54.555  -17.241    sfc press now rising again to 988 mb                   
6:47:04                       308D end of pattern - return to base                   
6:48:03    54.447  -16.568    end of leg-At point 4 - no pearl tracking 203 toward   
                              pt 5                                                   
7:11:32                       tinkering with LF                                      
7:14:07                       Coordinating run with METMAN                           
7:16:47    53.064  -17.485    At point 5 turn to track east to point 6               
7:27:37    53.348  -18.311    Precip ~30 miles ahead - good coordination with        
7:36:32    53.596  -19.027    Not much precip - apparently echo seen earlier was     
                              sea clutter- about a 40 knot headwind                  
7:46:47    53.847  -19.812    Passing to the left of some small shallow convection   
7:54:32    54.054  -20.404    Passing just to the west of a small, intense           
                              convective line.  Max dBZ is 35-39                     
8:02:22                       METMAN reports repidly decreasing winds                
8:09:40                       METMAN reports very dry conditions at end of leg -     
                              probably will have GPS sondes by end of next week      
8:22:59                       Scatterometry seems to have a heat related problem,    
                              bad data when it gets hot.                             
8:28:51    54.968  -23.523    End of leg, at pt 6 turning to track to pt 7.          
8:38:29    54.411  -23.877    dawn breaking to east                                  
8:39:24    54.348  -23.914    At point 7, turn to track to point 8                   
9:33:43    53.499  -17.185    At point 8, end of pattern climb to cruise altitude    
                              for ferry back to Shannon.                             
9:39:00    53.656  -16.454    At 584 mb winds 258 at 84 knots                        
10:25:27   52.848  -10.132    Start descent into Sannon                              
10:40      SHANNON            Land                                                   
10:46:21   Shannon            BLOCK IN