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Scientific Objectives of FASTEX

FASTEX aircraft in Shannon, Ireland USRV Knorr at sea Radiosonde launched from Bugaev
Figure B: Some of the observing facilities that took part to the field phase of FASTEX. From top to bottom: the 3 aircraft based in Shannon, Ireland (owned by US NOAA and NCAR, operated with french and US funds), the US oceanographic ship Knorr seen from the french oceanographic ship Le Suroît, the launch of a radiosonde from the ukrainian weather ship Bugaev in mid-ocean. (Photos: N. Raynal, A. Butet and T. Douffet, from Météo-France.)

The areas of particular interest to FASTEX are:

  • a remarkable, if somewhat worrying, property of mid-latitude cyclones is that, on the daily weather time scale, they successfully challenge the state-of-the-art forecasting techniques of the moment, and this has been going on for more than a hundred years; in other words, in the presence of the risk of rapid cyclogenesis, the predictability of the atmosphere drops dramatically, we are nearly completely blind even to its immediate future, and progress in this particular domain is very, very slow; scientists are, however, beginning to understand why this is so; an enterely new approach of observation combined to the most recent data assimilation techniques may allow a decisive breakthrough and this has been actually tested as part of FASTEX: this is called adaptive observations (later in these pages);

    however, one may have to face the fact that this short predictability limit is an intrinsic property of nature. In this case, only a statistical approach is available to us: this situation would put an end to the dream of a deterministic forecast, a unique and certain future fully determined by observing today's weather;


  • the cyclones influence climate partly through the impact on the radiative budget of the large cloud systems that they generate; the internal structure of these cloud systems is quite rich, involving organizations on many scales and a number of two-way interactions with dynamical processes; the details of these organizations, the way they bear on the average properties of the system as a whole (as a climate model should see them, in short), the mechanisms involved in these cloud-dynamics interaction are, to a large extent, unknown;


  • the interaction between the underlying ocean and the storm-track is also an area where better data and better understanding are required; very little is known, for example, about turbulent fluxes in the presence of extreme winds at sea (Figure B, middle picture);


  • a common meeting point of these topics are the dynamical processes operating within cyclones and between the cyclones and their environment, so that any aspect of the cyclone problem has to, at some stage, deal with available cyclone theories; it turns out that important changes have taken place in this area in the past decade and the idea that cyclones result from the spontaneous release of the instability of its environment (in the sense of fluid dynamics) now appears to be a bit short sighted (Figure C).
Schematic of the baroclinic amplifier Figure C: this schematic attempts to illustrate the current view of many atmospheric physics theoreticians: cyclones result from the amplification, in favorable areas such as the box in the centre of the drawing, of pre-existing structures. These may be the debris of a previous event elsewhere, which would be recycled in areas known as ``baroclinic zones'', which are the atmospheric amplifiers. (Drawing by A. Joly, from Météo-France.)

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