ICI-TOVS: TOVS using the ICI method (Meteo-France)

Data set source
Information on available Data
Data Processing
Data format
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Satellite upper-air soundings and black body temperature at the sounder resolution (40km).

Data set source

Data were computed at the Centre de Météorologie Spatiale (Météo-France/CMS) at Lannion (France) from the HRPT NOAA data (AVHRR + TOVS) received both at Lannion and at Halifax (Canada) by The Atmospheric Environment Service (AES-Canada).

Information on available data in the FASTEX Central Archive

  • from both NOAA12 and NOAA14 satellites
  • over Lannion domain and Halifax domain
  • from the 1srt January to the 3rd March 1997
  • about 46000 soundings a day for each satellite

  • Data Processing

    The retrieval model used here is the ICI model (for Inversion Coupled with the Imager), developed at the Météo-France/CMS. Its main characteristics are:
  • vertical profiles of pressure, virtual temperature, precipitable water and equivalent black body temperature, every ~40km.
  • independance of the forecast model
  • use of AVHRR parameters (cloud cover, surface temperature).
  • integrated tuning scheme to periodically evaluate all the adjustment coefficients of the inversion model. The initial profile library includes (on an extraction zone depending on the acquiring domain - North Hemisphere for longitudes from 100W to 65E for the Lannion domain) all the 00h network radiosondes from GTS, archived for the 10 last days and all the profiles provided by the 00h network analyses from the French ARPEGE NWP model, from the 10 last days, sampled at a 10° latitude * 10° longitude resolution.

  • Data format

    Data provided in ASCII files , including layer-mean temperatures, layer precipitable water and equivalent blackbody temperatures.


    Lavanant L. ,P. Brunel, G. Rochard, T. Labrot,and D. Pochic: Current status for the ICI retrieval scheme , International TOVS Study Conference n 9, 1997. 
    Updated: 2 March 1999

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