High resolution dropsonde data: UCAR/JOSS Procedures

High resolution dropsonde data

Data processing

1  Format conversion procedures

1.1 LEAR36, NOAA-GIV and NOAA-P3 datasets conversion to JOSS CLASS format
   1.1.1  These soundings include the correction applied by NCAR/SSSF to        
          correct for the incorrect usage of the internal radiosonde            
          temperature rather than the ambient temperature to correct the        
          reported relative humidity values.  For further information on        
          this correction please contact Hal Cole (cole@ucar.edu).              
   1.1.2  These files arrived at JOSS in ascii format and were converted to     
          a high resolution JOSS CLASS format (section 5.0) using JOSS          
          developed software. JOSS implemented Quality Control procedures       
          (described below) in an attempt to remove any noise contained in      
          the raw 0.5 s ascii files. These procedures are in addition to        
          typical JOSS Quality Control procedures detailed in section 6.0.      
          The high resolution class files are of varying resolution but         
          consist of the raw 0.5 s data minus the 'BAD' data points.  These     
          files then were linearly interpolated to 2 s resolution JOSS CLASS    
          files.  The pressures and times in the original ascii files were      
          increasing.  JOSS reversed the pressures and times in the high        
          resolution CLASS files and in the final 2 s resolution interpolated   
          CLASS files.                                                          
   1.1.3  For files containing a launch time, JOSS processing entailed using    
          the data point whose time was the closest to the launch time plus     
          20 seconds in an attempt to prevent recording data while the          
          dropsonde was still in the launch bay and/or during the               
          dropsonde's environmental acclimation. In addition, JOSS              
          processing required that the launch pressure be less than 600 mb      
          and the launch dry bulb temperature be less than 30 deg C.            
          Furthermore, JOSS processing checked the initial data points near     
          the launch point to ensure that only the most suitable data points    
          were used.  Picking a bad launch point would cause the unnecessary    
          removal of many good points due to the rate of change checks          
          (section 4.4).  Only data points whose times occurred after the       
          launch time were written to the high resolution class file.  Files    
          not containing launch times or containing many bad data points        
          needed special processing in order to 'force' the JOSS processing     
          software to chose quality launch points.                              
   1.1.4  The raw 0.5 s vertical resolution time, temperature, relative         
          humidity, altitude, pressure, dew point, latitude, longitude, wind    
          direction and wind speed were kept without change.  However, JOSS     
          implemented rate of change quality control checks which determined    
          whether a data point was written to the high resolution class file.   
          These quality control checks included checks for excessive lapse      
          rates, pressure changes, and ascension rates between successive points
   1.1.5  The lapse rate was calculated for each data point based on            
          the altitude and dry bulb temperature at two levels, the current      
          0.5 s level and the previous 0.5 s level. If the absolute value of    
          the calculated lapse rate exceeded 75 deg C/km, then the data point   
          was not written to the high resolution class file. If the current     
          data point contained a missing altitude, but not a missing            
          dry bulb temperature, a -10 m/s ascension rate was assumed and        
          based on this assumption, a lapse rate was then calculated. If        
          the absolute value of this assumed lapse rate exceeded 75 deg C/km    
          then the current data point was not written to the high resolution    
          class file.                                                           
   1.1.6  If a data point's pressure and altitude were missing, that point was  
          not kept.  This explains why the number of soundings in the 2 s data  
          set is lower than in the 0.5 sec data set (NOAA-GIV and NOAA-P3).     
          Some soundings had no pressure or altitude information within them.   
          Furthermore, if the absolute value of the pressure change between     
          the current time and the previous time was greater than or equal to   
          5 mb/sec, than that data point was not written to the high resolution 
          class file.                                                           
   1.1.7  The ascension rate was calculated for each data point (excluding      
          the surface, where it was given a missing value) based on the         
          altitude and time at two levels, the current 0.5 s level and the      
          previous 0.5 s level.  If the data point for which the ascension      
          rate was being calculated had missing time or altitude, the           
          ascension rate was not calculated at that level and was flagged as    
          missing.  If the data point prior to that for which the ascension     
          rate was being calculated had a missing time or altitude, then the    
          data point two data points prior to the present one was used, and so  
          on until one with non-missing time and altitude was found.  If there  
          are no non-missing previous data points the ascension rate is set     
          to missing.  Raw 0.5 s data was not written to the high resolution    
          class file if the ascension rate was less than or equal to -40 m/s    
          or greater than or equal to 10 m/s.                                   
   1.1.8  The U and V wind components were calculated based on the wind speed   
          and direction at the 0.5 s level.                                     
   1.1.9  Due to CLASS format constraints, Dew Points less than -99.9 Deg C     
          were given a value of -99.9 Deg C and were flagged as being           
   1.1.10 A 2 s vertical resolution file was created using existing 2 second    
          interval data points from the high resolution CLASS file beginning    
          with 0 s.  Pressure, dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, U       
          and V wind components, latitude and longitude, were linearly          
          interpolated if no original 2 second interval data point existed      
          within the high resolution class file. Dew point temperature, total   
          wind speed and wind direction, ascension rate and altitude were       
          calculated.  The altitude was calculated by assuming that the final   
          data point within the sounding was the surface and since the          
          surface was the ocean surface, the altitude at this point was         
          assumed to be 0 m, as long as the pressure at this point was          
          >= 960 mb.  If the pressure was < 960 mb the altitudes were not       
          recalculated.  If the altitudes were not recalculated the altitudes   
          within the files are those reported by the dropsonde.  For those      
          that were recalculated from the bottom-up using a version of the      
          hypsometric equation (Holton 1979, Hess 1959, Herzegh 1988).  The     
          ascension rate recalculation followed the procedure detailed in       
          section 4.7 minus the rate of change condition and for 2 s vertical   
          resolution data points.  The altitude recalculation utilized the      
          hypsometric equation and used the virtual temperature if the          
          relative humidity was not missing.  Otherwise the dry bulb            
          temperature was employed.                                             
          To determine whether a file had recalculated altitudes, just see      
          if the first data point within the file (the "surface") has a         
          zero altitude, if so, the altitudes WERE recalculated.  If not,       
          the altitudes WERE NOT recalculated.                                  
          Missing 2 s variables were interpolated using the closest high        
          resolution points surrounding the variable to be interpolated.        
          The distance between these points determined the Quality Control      
          flags written in the CLASS file's QC fields detailed below in         
          section 5.2.  If the data points used in the interpolation were       
          less than 20 seconds apart, the interpolated datum was flagged        
          "UNCHECKED", between 20 s and 40 s, the datum was flagged             
          "QUESTIONABLE"; for points greater than 40 s apart , the              
          data were not interpolated and missing values were inserted into      
          the file (NOAA-GIV and LEAR36), or interpolated and the interpolated  
          point was flagged "BAD" (NOAA-P3).  Thus it is important to examine   
          the flags within this dataset as data may have been interpolated      
          over large intervals.                                                 

1.2 UK-C130 dataset conversion to JOSS CLASS format
    1.2.1 These files arrived in FRONTS87 format and were converted to          
          a high resolution JOSS CLASS format. JOSS "reversed" the dropsonde    
          data so that the pressure decreases from the beginning of the file    
          to the end as in upsondes.                                            
    1.2.2 The raw 1.5 s vertical resolution temperature, relative humidity,     
          pressure, dew point, latitude, longitude, wind direction and wind     
          speed were kept without change.                                       
    1.2.3 The UKMO set the altitude of last observed data point to zero         
          regardless of whether it reached the surface or not.  One of the      
          flags within the FRONTS87 format was used by UKMO to signify          
          whether the dropsonde reached the surface.  JOSS used this flag so    
          that when the dropsonde was considered to have reached the surface,   
          we kept the altitudes as is.  However, if the dropsonde was not       
          considered to have reached the surface we set all altitudes within    
          that sounding to missing.  The altitudes were set to missing in 106   
          of the soundings.                                                     
    1.2.4 The ascension rate was calculated for each data point (excluding      
          the surface, where it was given a missing value) based on the         
          altitude and time at two levels, the current level and the previous   
          level.  If the data point for which the ascension rate was being      
          calculated had missing time or altitude, the ascension rate was not   
          calculated at that level and was flagged as missing.  If the data     
          point prior to that for which the ascension rate was being            
          calculated had a missing time or altitude, then the data point two    
          data points prior to the present one was used, and so on until one    
          with non-missing time and altitude was found.  If there are no        
          non-missing previous data points the ascension rate is set to         
    1.2.5 The U and V wind components were calculated based on the wind speed   
          and direction at the level.                                           
    1.2.6 Due to CLASS format constraints, Dew Points less than -99.9 Deg C     
          were given a value of -99.9 Deg C and were flagged as being           

1.3 US-C1307 and US-C1308 datasets conversion to JOSS CLASS format
    1.3.1 The 10 sec resolution pressure, temperature, relative humidity, and   
          wind speed were kept as is.                                           
    1.3.2 Wind speeds were converted from knots to m/s.                         
    1.3.3 The U and V wind components were calculated based on the wind speed   
          and direction at the 10 s level.                                      
    1.3.4 Dew points were calculated via the equations from Bolton (1980).      
          Due to CLASS format constraints, Dew Points less than -99.9 Deg C     
          were given a value of -99.9 Deg C and were flagged as being           
    1.3.5 At this point, the automated and visual quality control processes     
          were conducted (see section 4.2).                                     
    1.3.6 Altitudes were calculated by assuming that the final point reached    
          by the radiosonde was the surface, and since the surface was the      
          ocean surface, the altitude at this point was assumed to be 0, as     
          long as the pressure at this point was >= 960 mb.  If the pressure    
          was < 960 mb the altitudes were not recalculated.  Also, the          
          altitudes were not recalculated for data points that had any of the   
          pressure, temperature, or relative humidity values flagged as bad     
          by either of the quality control processes.  Such bad data points     
          were not used at all in any altitude calculations.  The calculation   
          was done from the surface 0 point up using a version of the           
          hypsometric equation (Holton 1979, Hess 1959, Herzegh 1988).          
    1.3.7 The ascension rate was calculated for each data point (excluding      
          the surface, where it was given a missing value) based on the         
          altitude and time at two levels, the current 10 s level and the       
          previous 10 s level.  If the data point for which the ascension rate  
          was being calculated had missing time or altitude, the ascension      
          rate was not calculated at that level and was flagged as missing.     
          If the data point prior to that for which the ascension rate was      
          being calculated had a missing time or altitude, then the data point  
          two data points prior to the present one was used, and so on until    
          one with non-missing time and altitude was found.  If there are no    
          non-missing previous data points the ascension rate is set to missing.

2  Quality Control Procedures

2.1 LEAR36, NOAA-GIV, NOAA-P3, USC1307 and US-C1308, UK-C130 datasets:
    JOSS Quality Control Procedures
     These datasets underwent the JOSS QC process which consisted of            
     internal consistency checks and visual quality control. The                
     internal consistency checks included gross limit checks on all             
     parameters and vertical consistency checks on temperature,                 
     pressure, and ascension rate. These checks are different from the          
     checks described in section 4.1. in that the 4.1 checks were point to      
     point checks between adjacent times and were only vertical consistency     
     checks while the Automatic Quality Control software employed six           
     second averaging in its checking procedure and included gross limit        
     checks. In addition, the Auto QC used a different set of parameters        
     during its vertical consistency checks. More importantly, the Auto QC      
     DID NOT REMOVE data points. It only changed QC flags. JOSS then            
     visually examined each sounding.                                           
     1 Automated Quality Control Procedures                                     
          1.1 Gross Limit Checks                                                
                 These checks were conducted on each sounding and data were     
                 automatically flagged as appropriate.  Only the data point     
                 under examination was flagged.  JOSS conducted the             
                 following gross limit checks on the NOAA P-3 FASTEX sounding   
                 dataset, the Gulfstream FASTEX sounding dataset, the Lear      
                 FASTEX sounding dataset and the USAF C-130 FASTEX sounding     
                 dataset.  In the table P = pressure,                           
                 T = temperature, RH = relative humidity, U = U wind            
                 component, V = V wind component, B = bad, and                  
                 Q = questionable.                                              
                                               Parameter(s)    Flag             
     Parameter          Gross Limit Check        Flagged      Applied           
     Pressure           < 0 mb or > 1050 mb      P               B              
     Altitude           < 0 m  or > 40000 m      P, T, RH        Q              
     Temperature        < -80C or > 30C             T            Q              
     Dew Point          < -99.9C or > 25C              RH        Q              
                        > Temperature               T, RH        Q              
     Relative Humidity  < 0% or > 100%                 RH        B              
     Wind Speed         < 0 m/s or > 100 m/s       U, V          Q              
                        > 150 m/s                  U, V          B              
     U Wind Component   < 0 m/s or > 100 m/s       U             Q              
                        > 150 m/s                  U             B              
     V Wind Component   < 0 m/s or > 100 m/s          V          Q              
                        > 150 m/s                     V          B              
     Wind Direction     < 0 deg or > 360 deg       U, V          B              
     Ascent Rate        < -30 m/s or > 10 m/s    P, T, RH        Q              
          1.2 Vertical Consistency Checks                                       
                 These checks were conducted on each sounding and data were     
                 automatically flagged as appropriate. The Auto QC software     
                 employed six-second averaging for these checks. These checks   
                 were started at the lowest level of the sounding and           
                 compared the end points of a six second interval. In the case  
                 of checks ensuring that the values increased/decreased         
                 as expected, only the data points under examination were       
                 flagged.  However, for the other checks, all four data         
                 points used in the examination were flagged.                   
                 All items within the table are as previously defined.          
                        Vertical Consistency   Parameter(s)    Flag             
     Parameter                 Check             Flagged      Applied           
     Time               increasing/equal         None          None             
     Altitude           increasing/equal         P, T, RH        Q              
     Pressure           decreasing/equal         P, T, RH        Q              
                        > 3 mb/s or < -3 mb/s    P, T, RH        Q              
                        > 4 mb/s or < -4 mb/s    P, T, RH        B              
     Temperature        < -15 C/km               P, T, RH        Q              
                        < -30 C/km               P, T, RH        B              
          from surface to 800 mb:                                               
                        >  25 C/km (not applied                                 
                                   at p < 275mb) P, T, RH        Q              
                        >  40 C/km (not applied                                 
                                   at p < 275mb) P, T, RH        B              
          for pressures < 800 mb:                                               
                        >   5 C/km (not applied                                 
                                   at p < 275mb) P, T, RH        Q              
                        >  30 C/km (not applied                                 
                                   at p < 275mb) P, T, RH        B              
     Ascent Rate        change of > 5 m/s                                       
                               or < -5 m/s       P               Q              
                        change of > 9 m/s                                       
                               or < -9 m/s       P               B              
     2 Visual Quality Control Procedures                                        
          Each sounding was then visually examined for problems that            
          were not able to be captured via the automated checks                 
          described in item .1 above.  These problems typically                 
          included oddities in the dew point and wind profiles.  These          
          two parameters can be highly variable, and hence, the                 
          automated checking is more difficult.  The visual checking            
          procedure has two main purposes:  First, as a check on the            
          results provided by the automatic checks, and second, as a            
          more stringent check on the more variable parameters.                 

2.2 UK-C130 dataset: FASTEX Archive Quality Control Procedures
     This dataset was validated by the University of Reading before its         
     sending to the FASTEX Central archive.                                     
     UCAR/JOSS applied its quality control procedures and the quality flags     
     are updated.                                                               

3  Additional quality control processing information or dataset remarks:
LEAR36    Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checkings - May 1998)                      
      .1  Relative Humidity Issues                                              
          UCAR/JOSS has conducted intercomparisons of the relative humidity     
          measurements of the various dropsonde systems and the FASTEX          
          ships.  For information on these intercomparisons please contact      
          Jim Moore (moore@ucar.edu).                                           
          Some other problems with specific dropsondes include, relative        
          humidities having oscillations between very moist and very dry        
          over entire soundings, single data points that are either VERY        
          DRY or VERY MOIST relative to data points directly above and          
          below, as well as sometimes erratic values.                           
      .2  Wind Problems                                                         
          There are several files with significant problems with the winds.     
          This includes problems such as drastic speed and directional          
          changes, wind speeds that are too high, and winds that are erratic    
          in their speed and/or direction.                                      
          About 10 of the drops had little or no wind data.                     
      .3  Launch Location Problems                                              
          Several soundings did not have lat/lon information available at       
          the time of release of the sonde.  For the header items:              
          Launch Location (lon,lat,alt):                                        
          we used the first lat/lon position available from the data.  The      
          first lat/lon position for these soundings was typically ~30 s        
          after release.  The soundings affected had the following nominal      
          launch times:                                                         
          13 January 1997                                                       
            14:31:11.0 (position from release)                                  
          14 February 1997                                                      
            11:26:41.0 (position from 26 s after release)                       
            11:51:14.0 (position from 6 s after release)                        
            12:14:27.0 (position from 8 s after release)                        
            12:37:39.0 (position from 16 s after release)                       
            13:02:38.0 (position from 48 s after release)                       
            13:39:38.0 (position from 10 s after release)                       
            14:10:06.0 (position from 20 s after release)                       
            14:18:25.0 (position from 16 s after release)                       
            14:23:10.0 (position from release)                                  
            14:44:29.0 (position from 20 s after release)                       
            14:58:36.0 (position from 12 s after release)                       
            15:32:13.0 (position from 8 s after release)                        
          16 February 1997                                                      
            14:34:47.0 (position from 18 s after release)                       
          17 February 1997                                                      
            23:16:22.0 (position from 10 s after release)                       
            23:38:06.0 (position interpolated from previous and later release)  
          18 February 1997                                                      
            00:15:09.0 (position from 6 s after release)                        
            00:31:01.0 (position from 16 s after release)                       
      .4  Dropsondes Not Reaching the Surface                                   
          As noted above in section 4.10 when soundings did not appear to       
          reach the surface, JOSS did not recalculate altitudes.  This          
          occurred in about 6 of the dropsondes for the Lear.  Most of          
          those that did not reach the surface were from the 14-17 February     
          1997 flights.  The others were spread evenly                          
          over the other flights.                                               

NOAA-GIV  Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checkings - May 1998)                      
      .1  Relative Humidity Issues                                              
          UCAR/JOSS has conducted intercomparisons of the relative humidity     
          measurements of the various dropsonde systems and the FASTEX          
          ships.  For information on these intercomparisons please contact      
          Jim Moore (moore@ucar.edu).                                           
          Some other problems with specific dropsondes include, relative        
          humidities having oscillations between very moist and very dry        
          over entire soundings, single data points that are either VERY        
          DRY or VERY MOIST relative to data points directly above and          
          below, as well as sometimes erratic values.                           
      .2  Wind Problems                                                         
          There are several files with significant problems with the winds.     
          This includes problems such as drastic speed and directional          
          changes, wind speeds that are too high, and winds that are erratic    
          in their speed and/or direction.                                      
          About 35 of the drops had little or no wind data.                     
      .3  Launch Location Problems                                              
          Several soundings did not have lat/lon information available at       
          the time of release of the sonde.  For the header items:              
          Launch Location (lon,lat,alt):                                        
          we used the first lat/lon position available from the data.  The      
          first lat/lon position for these soundings was typically ~30 s        
          after release.  The soundings affected had the following nominal      
          launch times:                                                         
          22 January 1997                                                       
            11:28:55.0 (position from 94 sec after release)                     
            11:34:26.0 (position and altitude from 10 sec after release)        
            11:38:49.0 (position and altitude from 28 sec after release)        
          27 February 1997                                                      
            11:50:48.0 (position from time of release)                          
            12:09:41.0 (position from time of release)                          
            12:28:16.0 (position from 26 sec after release)                     
            12:52:28.0 (position from 10 sec after release)                     
      .4  Dropsondes Not Reaching the Surface                                   
          As noted above in section 4.10 when soundings did not appear to       
          reach the surface, JOSS did not recalculate altitudes.  This          
          occurred in about 43 of the dropsondes for the G-IV.  Most of         
          those that did not reach the surface were from the 29 January         
          and 1 February 1997 flights.  The others were spread evenly           
          over the other flights.                                               

NOAA-P3   Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checkings - May 1998)                      
      .1  Relative Humidity Issues                                              
          UCAR/JOSS has conducted intercomparisons of the relative humidity     
          measurements of the various dropsonde systems and the FASTEX          
          ships.  For information on these intercomparisons please contact      
          Jim Moore (moore@ucar.edu).                                           
      .2  Wind Problems                                                         
          There are some files with significant problems with the winds.        
          This includes problems such as drastic speed and directional          
          changes, wind speeds that are too high, and winds that are erratic    
          in their speed and/or direction.                                      
UK-C130   Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checkings - May 1998)                      
      .1  Missing Winds                                                         
         103 of the dropsondes had no wind information.                         
      .2  Altitudes                                                             
          As mentioned above, when the dropsonde did not reach the surface the  
          UKMO still set the final data point altitude to 0.0 m and recalculated
          the altitudes in the remainder of the sounding.  For soundings that   
          did not reach the surface (as per the flag set by UKMO) JOSS set all  
          altitudes to missing as the altitudes prior to the recalculation by   
          UKMO were unrecoverable.                                              
      .3  The 12 January flight                                                 
          There are no winds available for the dropsondes from this flight.     
          Many of the dropsondes from this flight had reported relative         
          humidities > 100.0%.                                                  
      .4  Relative humidities in general - UCAR/JOSS has conducted              
          intercomparisons of the relative humidity measurements of the         
          various dropsonde systems and the FASTEX ships.  For information      
          on these intercomparisons please contact Jim Moore (moore@ucar.edu).  
US-C1307  Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checkings - November 1997)                
US-C1308  -----------------------------------------------------                 
          The dew point/relative humidity and temperature values                
          just after release were prior to the radiosonde                       
          acclimating to the environment. Many dropsondes were too              
          dry and warm in the first 30 s after release.                         
          About 20 of the soundings had significant problems with               
          the winds.                                                            

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Updated: 2 February 1999