ALATNET Seminar on High Resolution Modelling
Teachers :
- EB* for Eric BAZILE (F) : 5
hours, 3 items
- PB* for Pierre BENARD (F): 6
hours, 5 items
- LB* for Loïc BERRE (F) : 2
hours (also student), 2 items
- RB* for Radmila BUBNOVA (CZ) : 4
hours, 3 items
- JFG* for Jean-François
GELEYN (F) : 11 hours, 7 items
- LG* for Luc GERARD (B) : 6 hours, 3 items
- IG* for lian GOSPODINOV
(BG) : 4 hours, 2 items
- SM* for Sylvie MALARDEL (F)
: 9 hours, 4 items
- GR* for Gabord RADNOTI (H) : 4 hours,
2 items
- MZ* for Mark ZAGAR (SLO) : 4
hours, 2 items
- total : 55 hours (+2 hours for welcome, ALATNET presentation and
debriefing), 34 items
- Tutorial periods took place early in the afternoon (see the time-table
) ; they were not compulsory but the mentionned people (2 teachers for
each afternoon) were available for extra help when needed : 22 hours, 8
afternoons. On-demand presentations took place during these periods (6 hours,
see tutorial).
Total : 10 teachers, 61 hours of lectures, 2 hours of welcome/debriefing,
16 hours for tutorial.
* Only the initials are used in the programme
whereas full names are used in the time-table