ALATNET Joint Programme of Work
This is the version updated in March 2001 (the original version of the contract is available here). Modifications (in red characters) can be found in part 3 (work plan, slight adjustments) and in part 5 (training, transformation of some post-doc positions inyo pre-doc positions).
The Principal Contractor and the Members are referred to jointly as «the Participants».»
4. Organisation and management
The main objective of the ALATNET research effort is t o build the ALADIN Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) system up to a state where it can treat at the required level the dynamics and physics of atmospheric phenomena at wave lengths down to 10 km and where it can assimilate in continuous and balanced mode all relevant data for the prediction of extreme weather events at those scales, without losing any of the generic properties of the international common effort that made up to now the work on ALADIN truly multi-beneficial while rights vs. duties fully aware .
The other research objectives are the following:
The following is the methodology which will be employed (slight variations may occur):
This NWP specific method is born out of three facts :
Modified part are in red characters.
Each of the 12 work items is under the responsibility of one Participant (bold face P1 (Météo-France), P2 (IRM), P3 (CHMI), P4 (HMS) & P5 (MIMS), in the Table below); items are split and each sub-item gets an anticipated duration [start;end] in years since the start of the networking (in subdivision of quarters, underlined figures), as well as an indication of the main cross implication of other Participants (italic P1, P2, P3, P4 & P5), when appropriate. Intermediate milestones are synthesised. Since there are still many uncertainties associated with the execution of such a complex programme over a four year period, details of the Table should be taken only as indications, while main itemised objectives and synthetic aspects of the milestones are committing the Participants, together of course with the above mentioned global objective.
1. Theoretical aspects of non-hydrostatism (NH) P3
1a: Development of the vertical plane version of ALADIN, as a powerful and cheap tool for further studies in dynamics [0.;1.5] P1
1b: Refinement and test of a radiative upper boundary condition for hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic dynamics [1.;3.] P1
1c: Improvement of the lower boundary condition [0.;3.] P1 & P4
1d: Re-examination of the semi-implicit approach [0.,2.] P1
1e: Solving residual instability problems in the two-time-level semi-Lagrangian advection scheme (so as to enable larger time-steps and a correspondingly lower computing cost) [1.;3.] P1 & P5
1f: Problems not yet identified [2.75;4.] P1, P2, P4 & P5
2. Case studies aspects P5
2a: Definition of the framework of experiments, choice of a set of reference situations [0.;0.75]
2b: Validation of the current physics and non-hydrostatic dynamics : comparison to hydrostatic dynamics, to observations, identifying problems [0.25;2.]
2c: Validation of the new developments in dynamics or coupling [1.75;4.] P3 & P4
2d: Validation of the refinements in physics, identifying feed-backs and residual problems [0.75;4.] P1 & P2
3. Noise control in high resolution dynamics P3
3a: Further damping of orographic resonance in semi-Lagrangian advection [0.;2.] P1
3b: Improved use of the damping properties of a decentered semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian advection scheme [1.;2.] P1
3c: Investigation of the potential of the predictor-corrector approach [0.;3.] P1
4. Removal of the thin layer hypothesis P1
4a: Analysis of the required modifications and coding [0.;2.]
4b: Impact studies in the vertical plane model then on real cases [1.;4.] P3
5. Coupling and high resolution modes P5
5a: Bi-directional coupling in spectral mode [1.5;4.] P1, P3 & P4
5b: Well posed lateral coupling in NH mode [1.25;4.] P1
5c: Problems of jump in resolution / domain sizes in modeling and data assimilation modes [0.;4.] P3, P4, P2
5d: Design of a more precise method for spectral coupling [.5,2.5] P4
6. Specific coupling problems P3
6a: Blending of fields in data assimilation for preserving high resolution forecast details [0.;2.] P1
6b: Tendency coupling for surface pressure and other technical variations around Davies' technique of field coupling in a buffer zone [0.;4.] P4 & P5
7. Reformulation of the physics-dynamics interface P2
7a: Study of the interactions between non-hydrostatic features and physical parameterisations [1.;3.25] P1 & P3
7b: Analysis of the problems related to a 1-dimensional physics, impact of an exact introduction of diabatic forcing [3.;4.] P1 & P5
7c: Sensitivity of the physics/dynamics interface to vertical resolution [1.;2.] P3, P1
8. Adaptation of physics to higher resolution P2
8a: Parameterisation of the small-scale features of convection [0.;1.25] P1
8b: Test, retuning and improvement of the various physical parameterisation in the framework of a very high resolution [0.75;3.75] P5
8c: Improved representation of boundary layer [0;3.25] P1
8d: Improved representation of orographic effects [0.;4.] P5, P1
9. Design of new physical parameterisations P1
9a: Implementation of a new parameterisation of turbulence [1.;3.] P5, P2
9b: Use of liquid water and ice as prognostic variables, implementation of a new microphysics parameterisation [0.;2.] P2
9c: New parameterisation of exchanges at sea and lake surface [0.;1.25] P4, P2
9d: Improved representation of land surface, including the impact of vegetation and snow [0;4.] P2, P4 & P5
9e: Refinements in the parameterisations of radiation and cloudiness [0., 4.] P4, P2
10. Use of new observations P1
10a: Yet unused SYNOP observations [0.;1.25] P2, P3, P4 & P5
10b: GPS and/or MSG observations [1.;3.]
10c: Doppler radar observations [2.25;4.] P3 & P4
10d: METOP (IASI) observations [3.;4.] P4
11. 3D-Var analysis and variational applications P4
11a: Definition and calculation of new background error statistics, impact of domain resolution and extension, identification of horizontal relevant scales [0.;2.] P1 & P3
11b: Scientific investigation of the problem of the extension and coupling zone, analysis of the impact of initialization. [0.;1.25] P1
11c: Management of observations in 3d-var: from academic single-observation experiments to the use of any available data [0.,2.] P1 & P3
11d: Coupling problems in variational data assimilation, interaction with blending [0.;2.] P1, P2, P3, P5
11e: Intensive scientific validation and improvement of 3D-Var [1.;3.] P1 & P3
11f: Development of variational type applications (adjoint methods for sensitivity studies, singular vectors), as a project itself and to provide more insight into the coupling problem for 4d-Var [1.25;4.] P1
12. 4D-Var assimilation P1
12a: Basic validation and tests [2;4.] P3 & P4
12b: Definition of a coupling strategy [2.;4.] P4 & P5
12c: Scientific validation [3;4.] P2, P3, P4 & P5
12d: Improvement of the treatment of humidity in data assimilation [0.;4.] P2, P3, P4 & P5
Schedule and Milestones
The schedule can easily be extracted from the above detailed work plan. There are obviously three intermediate milestones, the first one being slightly shifted in time to allow for some start-up period:
· After one year and a quarter:
- non-hydrostatic «reference version» of ALADIN at high resolution (with a «state of the art» parameterisation set) ready and tested on a few cases;
- blending of initial fields and 3D-Var data assimilation ready for first parallel testing;
· After two years (Mid-Term Review):
- completion of an intensive validation of the «reference version» with an appropriate coupling strategy and an improved physics;
- development of new observation operators started.
· After three years:
- operational implementation(s) of an update of the «reference version»;
- consistent data assimilation ensemble ready for operational implementation;
- well defined strategy for the assimilation of humidity at fine scales available.
· After four years (Final Review): completion of the whole programme.
Research effort of the Participants
Professional research effort on the network project | |||
Participant |
Young researchers to be financed by the contract (person-months) (a) |
Researchers to be financed from other sources (person-months) (b) |
Researchers likely to contribute to the project (number of individuals) (c) |
1 2 3 4 5 |
78 38 46 28 41 |
283 136 173 106 133 |
17 9 12 7 7 |
Totals |
231 |
831 |
52 |
ALATNET will be organised and managed as a separately identified but parallel component to the ALADIN project that currently allows the shared development of a mixed (research and operational) state of the art limited area NWP system by 14 Partner National Meteorological Services (NMSs) (AU, B, BG, CZ, F, HR, HU, MA, MD, P, PL, RO, SI, SK).
ALATNET will be managed by three bodies:
Communication means (quarterly Newsletters, Web-site, hot-line and general-purpose e-mail lists) will be used to ensure the quickest possible circulation of the ALATNET information, either by profiting of a similar ALADIN facility or, whenever necessary to ensure a clear distinction between the two actions, by creating and maintaining a specific ALATNET functionality. In particular an ALATNET web-site will be activated in Toulouse with cross links with the equivalent SRNWP and ALADIN ones.
Like for the work around the ALADIN code, there will be a small data base maintained in Toulouse and registering all ALATNET-linked work in the Participants' institutions, according to the following classification for Young Researchers' stays and networking cross-visits: received training, validation work, research work, maintenance, link with operational activities, given training, administration. This will allow a good monitoring of ALATNET's progress according to its specific constraints (time table of Young Researchers' stays, coordination of special training actions, planning and recording of networking visits, ...).
The dissemination of the results of the ALATNET action will follow the usual channels of any European NWP project:
Modified part are in red characters.
«The minimum overall total of young researchers whose employment will be financed by the contract will be 231 person-months (78 for Météo-France in Toulouse, 38 for IRM in Brussels, 46 for CHMI in Prague, 28 for HMS in Budapest and 41 for HMIS in Ljubljana)»
Young researchers to be financed by the contract | ||||
Participant |
Young pre-doctoral researchers to be financed by the contract (person-months) (a) |
Young postdoctoral researchers to be financed by the contract (person-months) (b) |
Total (a+b) (c) |
Scientific specialities in which training will be provided (d) |
P1. |
78 |
0 |
78 |
E-13 / I-99 / P-05 |
Totals |
170 |
61 |
Overall Total 231 |
The vacancies associated with the training plan will be published mainly in four directions:
Besides the scientific information about ALATNET and the general conditions of the RTN programme (age and nationality constraints), the vacancies' announcements will contain roughly the following information about the structure of the training:
«There will be both Pre-Doc and Post-Doc ALATNET opportunities financed on a EU 5th Programme called «Research Training Network» for four years (approximately 2000-2003) and the call for candidacy extends to all EU and eligible associated states. The five centres where the stays have to be completed are Toulouse, Brussels, Prague, Budapest and Ljubljana. There is a volume of 224 person x months of Young Researchers' employment to be financed and the following table can be used as a preliminary overview of the ALATNET training plan.
Centres |
Pre-Doc |
Post-Doc | ||
Starting Year |
Number of months |
Starting Year |
Number of months | |
Toulouse |
2000 |
16 |
Brussels |
2001 |
19 |
Prague |
2000 |
23 |
2000 |
12 |
Budapest |
2001 |
20 |
Ljubljana |
2000 |
25 |
(*) = visit from an ALATNET PhD student from Toulouse (2001) or Ljubljana (2001) |
There will therefore be 13 vacancies (5 starting in 2000 and 8 in 2001) with varying degrees of length (the contracts do not have to be continuous, the expected average length of stays is 9 months and, at least for the PhD students at Météo-France where such a system officially exists through «Université Paul Sabatier», we are going to encourage relying on the co-tutelle system of shared studies between home and the ALATNET centres).»
All Participants will ensure a policy of equal opportunities for male and female scientists both in the selection process of Young Researchers and in the participation to other ALATNET networking activities.
The training aims of the ALATNET programme are connected with scientific, operational and organisational objectives linked to the ALADIN code. The choice of the PhD and Post-doc scientific subjects will take into account the associated constraints (mainly to avoid duplication of efforts), the specificity of the ALATNET research plan, the need to introduce some progression in the work of Young Researchers among the galaxy of NWP related actions (cf. Section 2) and the possibility to interact with either permanent staff or with visitors on shorter stays (from other network Participants) that will also contribute to the realisation of the research objectives. Finally it will be tuned to the researcher's previous background once the position has been filled.
The other choices to be made in view of specific ALATNET training actions will mostly depend on how the recruited Young Researchers will already be familiar or not with the NWP methodology detailed in Section 2. Specific tutorial by experienced staff will be systematically arranged whenever some lacks will be detected for any recruit and for any of the methodological steps.
Some simple measures will be taken to ensure the widest possible approach to «academic training» for the chosen candidates on the Young Researchers appointments linked with ALATNET: enforced contacts with the academic supervisors on one hand and a staged approach to presentation of the research results (internal informal intermediate reports, active participation to ALADIN workshops and then to SRNWP similar activities, presentation at open scientific conferences is the normal gradation) on the other hand.
There will also be a need for «awareness to real weather» specific actions for those of the Young Researchers with small or little background in operational weather forecasting (an activity that strongly relies on NWP, even if not exclusively). This will easily be achieved by some short period immersion stays in the day-to-day routine of operational forecasting in any of the five NMSs of the ALATNET Participants.
The European NWP regular communication activities (two specialised ALADIN workshops every year, participation to all SRNWP activities and contact with the European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasts) will be complemented by two special ALATNET efforts in the first half of the contract: an intensive seminar on the subject «high resolution modelling» to be held in Prague and one newcomer training course in Toulouse. The latter effort may be repeated at a later stage of the ALATNET life, if requested.
Given all this it is impossible to objectively separate the individual and cross-network parts of the training. One may simply say that the latter is really a condition of success of the former and has never been neglected in previous ALADIN training efforts.
Even if NWP activities are a rather internal business since they encompass their own «industry» (i.e. the production of daily operational weather forecasts, mainly for public service aims and for regulated aeronautical forecast procedures), there are nevertheless direct industrial users of NWP products, most of the time as input to models of cost/benefit type for weather dependent activities (energy production/consumption, continental and maritime transports, agriculture, season dependent commercial business, out-door sporting events, ...). Knowledge of the intrinsic mechanisms of NWP is a distinct advantage when working on the external use of its products; in so far, ALATNET might become a valuable training for non-NMS future activities of some of its Young Researchers, even if this is not the primary aim of the planned effort.