ALATNET e-mail list :

An e-mail list has been created : . It can be used for exchange of general interest about ALATNET project. It will contain address of people involved in the ALATNET project (ALATNET Young Researchers, mentors, co-ordinators).

Many other e-mail lists are used around ALADIN for specific topics. Please consult the ALADIN web for details.

Subscribing to/Removing from a mailing list

For subscribing to the above mentioned lists, please send an e-mail to with the following text in the body of the e-mail :

subscrive name-of-list address-email.

You can also check in what lists you have already subscribed (or you have already been subscribed) with the command "which" in the body of the e-mail. For exemple :

once sending this e-mail to (the subject of the message does not matter) :



I will know the lists I have previously subscribed and I will ask to be part of the alatnet list.

If you ever want to remove yourself from one of the mailing lists, you can send mail to with the following command in the body of your email message:

unsubscribe name-of-list address-email.

For a public list, the owner of the list is told about any subscription or unsubscription.

For a "private" list, the owner of the list is asked to give (or not) his agreement to each subscription.