A.2. Joint Publications and Patents

A.2.1 Publications along the fourth year

Bénard, P., R. Laprise, J. Vivoda and P. Smolikova, 2004 : Stability of Leap-Frog Constant-Coefficients Semi-Implicit Schemes for the Fully Elastic System of Euler Equations. Flat-Terrain Case. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 5, 1306-1318.
(P1 & P3, topics 1-3)

Bénard, P., J. Masek and P. Smolikova, 2004 : Stability of Leap-Frog Constant-Coefficients Semi-Implicit Schemes for the Fully Elastic System of Euler Equations. Case with Orography. Submitted to Mon. Wea. Rev., under revision.
(P1 & P3, topics 1-2-3)

Deckmyn, A. and L. Berre, 2004 : A Wavelet Approach to Representing Background Error Covariances in a LAM. Submitted to Mon. Wea. Rev.
(P2 & P1, topic 11)

Brozkova, R., P. Bénard, F. Bouttier, J.-F. Geleyn and A. Trojakova : Some side-results of the development effort for a stable and efficient semi-Lagrangian version of the ALADIN-NH code. Proceedings of the fifth international SRNWP workshop on non-hydrostatic modelling, 27-29 October 2003, Bad Orb (Germany).
(P1 & P3, topics 1-3)

Bénard, P., P. Smolikova, J. Masek and J. Vivoda : A potentially dangerous albeit unnecessary restriction in classical semi-implicit schemes design strategy. Proceedings of the fifth international SRNWP workshop on non-hydrostatic modelling, 27-29 October 2003, Bad Orb (Germany).
(P1 & P3, topics 1-3)

Vivoda, J., P. Bénard, P. Smolikova, J. Masek and R. Brozkova : Application of the iterative centered implicit scheme to non-hydrostatic dynamics of LAM ALADIN. Proceedings of the fifth international SRNWP workshop on non-hydrostatic modelling, 27-29 October 2003, Bad Orb (Germany).
(P1 & P3, topics 1-2-3)

Balsamo, G.P., F. Bouyssel and J. Noilhan, 2004 : A simplified bi-dimensional variational analysis of soil moisture from screen-level observations in a mesoscale numerical weather prediction model. To appear in Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc..
(P1, topic 12)

Beck, A., B. Ahrens and K. Stadlbacher, 2003 : Impact of nesting strategies in dynamical downscaling of reanalysis data. Submitted to Geophysical Research Letters.
(P5, topic 5)

Bénard, P., 2003 : Stability of Semi-Implicit and Iterative Centred-Implicit Time Discretisations for various Equation Systems Used in NWP. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 10, 2479-2491.
(P1, topics 1-3)

Bénard, P., 2004 : On the Use of a Wider Class of Linear Systems for the Design of Constant-Coefficients Semi-Implicit Time-Schemes in NWP. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 5, 1319-1324.
(P1, topics 1-3)

Guidard, V., C. Fischer and M. Nuret, 2004 : Evaluation of the ALADIN 3D-VAR with observations of the MAP campaign. Submitted to M.A.P.
(P1, topic 11)

Sadiki, W., and C. Fischer, 2003 : A posteriori validation applied to the 3d-var ARPEGE and ALADIN data assimilation systems. Submitted to Tellus A, under revision.
(P1, topic 11)

Termonia, P., 2003 : Monitoring and Improving the Temporal Interpolation of Lateral-Boundary Coupling Data for Limited-Area Models. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 10, 2450-2463.
(P2, topic 5)

Termonia, P., 2004 : Monitoring the Coupling-Update Frequency for a Limited-Area Model by means of a Digital Recursive Filter. To appear in Mon. Wea. Rev..
(P2, topic 5)

Belo Pereira, M. and L. Berre : Estimation of background error statistics in ARPEGE 4d-var. Proceedings of the 25th EWGLAM & 10th SRNWP meetings, 6-9 October, 2003, Lisbon (Portugal).
(P1, topic 12)

Rabier, F., N. Fourrié, T. Auligné and M Szczech-Gajewska : Preparation for the assimilation of advanced sounders at Météo-France. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, February 2003, Long Beach (California, USA).
(P1, topic 10)

Simon, A. : Parametrisation of turbulent fluxes with respect to cyclogenesis. Proceedings of the 25th EWGLAM & 10th SRNWP meetings, 6-9 October, 2003, Lisbon (Portugal).
(P1, topic 8)

Szczech-Gajewska, M. : Spectral surface emissivity for use in assimilation of IR radiance data over land. Proceedings of 13th International TOVS Study Conference, Oct. 28-Nov. 4, 2003, Ste Adèle, (Québec, Canada).
(P1, topic 10)

Alexandru, S. and A. Horányi, 2004 : “The application of the three-dimensional variational data assimilation scheme for the ALADIN/HU spectral mesoscale limited area model.

Belo Pereira, M. and L. Berre, 2004 : The use of an Ensemble approach to study the background error covariances in a global NWP model.

Soci, C., C. Fischer and A. Horanyi, 2004 : Sensitivity of high resolution forecasts using the adjoint technique at the 10 km scale.

Szczech-Gajewska, M., F. Rabier and T. Auligné, 2004 : Spectral Surface Emissivity for Use in Assimilation of IR Radiance Data over Land.

Only the new publications are mentioned. The proceedings of the ALADIN workshops and the joint ALADIN & ALATNET Newsletters are not considered here, nor are the extended abstracts involving only one centre and no young researcher, to avoid a too long list.

The five research centres, or ALATNET partners, are numbered as : 1. Toulouse (Fr), 2. Bruxelles (Be), 3. Prague (Cz), 4. Budapest (Hu), 5. Ljubljana (Si).

The acknowledgement notice does not appear in extended abstracts, as for other grants, nor in publications involving only one ALATNET centre, for directives were not at all clear on this point.

Adresses of web sites to access on-line publications :





A.2.2 Main joint publications of the network over the four years

Bénard, P., R. Laprise, J. Vivoda and P. Smolikova, 2004 : Stability of Leap-Frog Constant-Coefficients Semi-Implicit Schemes for the Fully Elastic System of Euler Equations. Flat-Terrain Case. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 1306-1318.

Bénard, P., J. Masek, and P. Smolikova, 2004 : Stability of Leap-Frog Constant-Coefficients Semi-Implicit Schemes for the Fully Elastic System of Euler Equations. Case with Orography. Submitted to Mon. Wea. Rev., under revision.

Deckmyn, A. and L. Berre, 2004: A Wavelet Approach to Representing Background Error Covariances in a LAM. Submitted to Mon. Wea. Rev.

Gospodinov, I., V. Spiridonov, P. Bénard and J.-F. Geleyn, 2002: A refined semi-Lagrangian vertical trajectory scheme applied to a hydrostatic atmospheric model. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 128, 323-336.

Soci, C., A. Horanyi and C. Fischer, 2003: Preliminary results of high resolution sensitivity studies using the adjoint of the ALADIN mesoscale numerical weather prediction model. Idöjaras, 107-1, 49-65.

The first two publications are related to topics 1-2-3 of the work plan (theoretical aspects of non-hydrostatism, case studies aspects of non-hydrostatism, noise control in high-resolution dynamics) and involve the Toulouse and Prague teams.

The third one is related to topic 11 (3d-var analysis and variational applications), and involves the Toulouse and Brussels centres.

The fourth publication is related to topic 3 of the work plan, and involves the Toulouse and Brussels teams too.

The last paper is also related to topic 11, with links to topic 12 (4d-var assimilation). It involves the Toulouse and Budapest centres.
