GMGEC DODS server:
Climate Dynamic Unit (UDC)

CNRM-CM3: IPCC Scenario (2004-2005), Coupled Model Version 3 :

Data Availability:
All the data available here is in IPCC-CMOR format (NetCDFwith special conventions). 
Before visiting this DODS server , we strongly recommend you to print "
IPCC Standard Output from Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCMs", to be aware of terminologies .
The data files are password protected .
To obtain login information please contact Annie Rascol .

Directory structure and file names
Correspondance table for atmospheric variables

You can get synthetic information about data availability here !

A1 type data

A2 type data
A3 type data
A4 type data
O1 type data

Data reference :
In any study, paper, presentation... making use of data obtained from this server, you are kindly requested to cite the following reference :

Salas-Mélia, D., F. Chauvin, M. Déqué, H. Douville, J.F. Gueremy, P. Marquet, S. Planton, J.F. Royer and S. Tyteca (2005) : Description and validation of the CNRM-CM3 global coupled model. Download manuscript (in pdf format)

The status of this paper will be updated regularly. Please ignore the preliminary title appearing in the Netcdf data.

Access to DODS public data ( NetCDF-IPCC format) :
PIcntrl (CT1) : Control Simulation preindustrial  1860
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              Server DODS

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20C3M (XX1) : Simulation of 1860-1999
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              Server DODS

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Commit (XX1) : Simulation of 2000-2099

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              Server DODS

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20C3M (XX2): Simulation of 1860-1999

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              Server DODS
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SRES-A1B (A1B) : Simulation of 2000-2299
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              Server DODS

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SRES-B1 (B11) : Simulation of 2000-2299 Entrer ici :
              Server DODS

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SRES-A2 (A21) : Simulation of 2000-2099
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              Server DODS

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1pc_to2x (SE1) : 1% CO2 to doubling
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              Server DODS

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1pc_to4x (SQ1) : 1% CO2 to quadrupling
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              Server DODS

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AMIP (AMI) : AMIP2-type experiment

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              Server DODS

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Restriction on the use of this data:

CNRM/GMGEC/UDC provides these data "as is", with no warranty, expressed or implied, of the data quality or
consistency. It is provided without support and without obligation  to assist in its use,
correction, modification, or enhancement. For use in publication, authors should obtain permission from
GMGEC/UDC Team Leader mailto:Jean-Francois Royer. You sould acknowledge Meteo France
as the data source in those publications and provide reprints CNRM/GMGEC.