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Acar / Tsen: real-time format           
An extract of such file is given hereunder (note that the lines are not complete):

368.2291667 2011  1  4  5 30  0   -3.116419  -66.444048 18331.0    65.781 229.32    -2.68     1.46

The files are column-oriented. The meaning of each column is.

1. decimal day (convention 1:0 = January 1st, current year, 00 UTC)
2. year
3. month
4. day of month
5. hour (UT)
6. minute
7. second
8. longitude (decimal degree, positive east of the Greenwich meridian)
9. latitude (decimal degree, positive in the Northern Hemisphere)
10. altitude (m)
11. pressure (Pa)
12. air temperature (K)
13. zonal velocity (m/s)
14. meridional velocity (m/s)

Méteo-France Editor : Florence  Rabier  Lay out : Dominique  Puech photo : CNES