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Ozone radiosoundings
    Mc Murdo station header information    

DESHLER T.          O3SONDE     MCMURDO     OZONE       14-SEP-2010 01:55:1114-SEP-2010 04:32:300101
113 2160
Deshler, Terry []
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA, Tel: +13077662006, Fax: +13077662635
ENSCI Ozonesonde
US National Science Foundation funded flights under OPP award #0538679
1 1
2010 09 14 2010 10 18
Time after launch (s)
Station name
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9999.99 99999 999.9 999  99.99 999.9  99.99 99.9  999.9 9999.9 9.99e+30 9.99e+30 999.9 999 999.9 99999 999.9999 99.9999
Pressure at observation (hPa), measured using Imet radiosonde, Precision 0.5 hPa
Geopotential height above sea level (m), Integrated from pressure and temperature
Temperature (K), measured using an Imet radiosonde, precision 0.2 K
Relative Humidity (%), measured using an Imet radiosonde, precision unknown
Ozone partial pressure (mPa), precision 4%
Internal temperature (pump) (C), precision 0.2 K
Ozone raw current [microA]
Battery voltage [V]
Pump current [mA]
Potential temperature [K]
Ozone mixing ratio per volume [ppm]
Ozone number density [number/cm^3]
Frost point temperature [K] using RH, not valid at air temperatures below 233 K
[ Horizontal wind direction [decimal degrees] (range: 0 to 360) ]
[ Horizontal wind speed [m/s] ]
[ GPS geometric height [m] ]
[ GPS longitude [decimal degrees E] (range: 0.00 to 359.99) ]
[ GPS latitude [decimal degrees N] ]
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
99999 99.9  99.9  999.99 999.99 99999 99.999 99.99 999.9 999    99.999 9.999 9.999  9.999  9.999   9.999  9.999 9.999 9.999 9.99
9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99  9.999  9.999 9.999  9.9   9.99  9.99      9.9    999.9 999.9   999999 999999 999999  999999 999999
40 40  3 20 20 20 20 20 20 10   10 20 40 40 20 132 132
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Number of levels
NDACC data format version number
Data version of data owner
Station longitude [decimal degrees E] (range: 0.00 - 359.99)
Station latitude [decimal degrees N]
Station height [m]
Launch time [decimal UT hours from 0 hours on day given by DATE]
Inverse pump flow rate (s/100 ml)
Temperature during flow rate measurement [K]
Relative humidity during flow rate measurement [%]
Humidity correction factor to flow rate (negative: not applied; positive: appl.)
Inverse of pump efficiency at    2 hPa, stoic
Inverse of pump efficiency at    3 hPa
Inverse of pump efficiency at    5 hPa
Inverse of pump efficiency at   10 hPa
Inverse of pump efficiency at   20 hPa
Inverse of pump efficiency at   30 hPa
Inverse of pump efficiency at   50 hPa
Inverse of pump efficiency at  100 hPa
Inverse of pump efficiency at  200 hPa
Inverse of pump efficiency at  300 hPa
Inverse of pump efficiency at  500 hPa
Inverse of pump efficiency at 1000 hPa
Ozone background prior to exposure to ozone in laboratory Ib0 [microA]
Ozone background after exposure to ozone in laboratory Ib1 [microA]
Ozone background on filter just prior to launch Ib2 [microA]
Ozone background used in calculation of ozone [microA]
KI solution concentration [%]
Buffer amount as a fraction of the buffer amount recommended by Komhyr 1986 for a solution with 10 g/l (1.0%) KI
KBr amount as a fraction of the 25 g/l recommended in the Komhyr 1986 recipe for a solution of 1.0% KI
Solution amount [cm^3]
Column ozone from sonde [DU] (incl. residual ozone) (COL1)
Residual ozone from sonde [DU]
Balloon weight [g]
Balloon volume for plastic balloon [m^3] (0 for rubber balloon)
Instrument and loadline weight [g]
Free lift [g]
Balance weight used for inflation [g]
Comment on transfer function applied         ::: Auxilliary character variables begin here
Place of internal temperature sensor
Background subtracted (yes/no)
Background subtraction (constant/altitude dependent)
Ozonesonde type
Serial number of ozonesonde
Radiosonde type
Serial number of radiosonde
Flight number or data file name
Lifting gas
Balloon material
Balloon brand
Ground equipment
Vertical averaging/smoothing method
Heating method of box
Column headings
Column units
---------------------End of Header Information -----------------------------------------

    Belgrano station header information    

54 2160
Yela, Margarita
1 1
2010 10 23 2010 10 23
Pressure at observation (hPa)
Station name
    1     1     1   1     1    1   1     1
99999 99999 999.9 999 999.9 99.9 999 999.9
Time after launch (s)
Geopotential height (gpm)
Relative humidity (%)
Temperature inside styrofoam box (C)
Ozone partial pressure (mPa)
Horizontal wind direction (degrees)
Horizontal wind speed (m/s)
   1     1     1     1      1      1      1    1    1    1  1  1
9999 999.9 999.9 9.999 99.999 999.99 999.99 99.9 99.9 9999 99 99
Number of pressure levels
Integrated Ozone (DU)
Residual Ozone (DU)
Correction factor
Launch time (UT decimal hours from 0 hours on day given by date)
East longitude of station (degrees)
Latitude of station (degrees)
Wind speed at ground at launch (m/s)
Temperature at ground at launch (C)
Year  of Launch
Month of Launch
Day of Launch

The integrated ozone has been obtained by integrating the ozone
profile from the surface to the maximum altitude attained by the
sonde.  The residual ozone refers to the estimated ozone amount
above this maximum altitude.  This contribution is calculated only
when the sonde achieves an altitude equal to or greater than that
corresponding to 17 hPa.  The correction factor is the total ozone
as measured by the Brewer or Dobson divided by the
uncorrected total ozone obtained from the sonde (integrated plus
residual).  The correction factor has NOT been applied
to the profile data.  When a ground measurement was
not available, the correction factor was set to 1.000.
The wind speed in (m/s) is related to (knots) by: (1 m/s = 1.93 knots)

    South pole station file example    

TimeFramePressAltTempThetaRHTFp VTVaisIO3 PO3 MrT PumpI PumpO3Bat
[Min][][hPa][km][deg C][K][%][deg C][deg C][mPa][ppmv][deg C][mA][V]
Méteo-France Editor : Florence  Rabier  Lay out : Dominique  Puech photo : CNES