OASIS 3 Compilation
Article mis en ligne le 30 août 2011
dernière modification le 10 octobre 2011

par voldoire

CMIP5 based on offical version 3.3, with a local sub-version 02 (official version date 08/03/2010)

  • Create an oasis directory in your $HOME
  • copy the directory ~mrgu556/oasis/v3.3.02 in your oasis directory.
  • In the sub-directory v3.3.02/prism/src/mod/oasis3/util/make_dir, check that a make.xxx exists for your hosting machine, and that it is the one used in make.inc.
  • To compile oasis3, type make -f TopMakefileOasis3 oasis3_psmile.

NB : In case you modify oasis, you have to recompile the binaries of all CNRM-CM5 components using the new psmile library from your oasis configuration. For all models, you will have to modify the makefile or the compiling script according to the new oasis version.

For more information about OASIS, you are referred to the "official" oasis documentation that can be found in the directory : ~mrgu556/oasis/v3.3.02/prism/src/mod/oasis3/doc/

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