Selection of the first ALATNET young researchers

The whole candidatures received before the deadline (12th of May, 2000) were considered. On the 30st of May 2000, the ALATNET scientific officers of the 5 ALATNET centers voted for the selection of the first ALATNET researchers, following the rules defined during the 1st co-ordination meeting.

The result of the selection is (in alphabetic order) :

Selection of a second group of ALATNET young researchers

On February 2, 20001, Ilian GOSPODINOV was selected as the second post-doc ALATNET young researcher. He will work in Brussels during 19 months.

Selection of the last ALATNET young researchers

The whole candidatures received before the deadline (31st of May, 2001) were considered and first evaluated during the 3rd meeting of the Steering Committee. Thus, on the 7th of June 2001, the ALATNET scientific officers of the 5 ALATNET centers voted for the selection of the last ALATNET researchers, following the rules defined during this steering committee.

The result of the selection is (in alphabetic order) :