4th Steering Committee of ALATNET

Budapest,  March 8, 2002


The meeting was mainly devoted to the preparation of the mid-term review, the second annual report for the EC, discussions about the evolution of the project, slight modifications ot the scientific program, next visits of the young researchers, ...

Thanks to Andras Horanyi for preparing this meeting.

Preparing the mid-term review

Preparing the 2nd year report

Please consult the full report of the first year on the alatnet website and do send your updated contribution for the 2nd year : All these documents should be sent to jean-francois.geleyn@meteo.fr with copy to dominique.giard@meteo.fr before March 22nd.
Jean-Francois will send you remarks before March 29th and you will prepare the final version.

Phone conference

A phone conference will be organised by Météo-France (Patricia will call correspondent of Be, Cz (in Toulouse at that time), Hu, Si on April 4 at 10.00 to finalize financial report, scientific assessment.

Visits of young researchers during the 3rd ALATNET year

All young researchers are supposed to attend the ALATNET Seminar (excepted Raluca who will attend another meeting at the same dates). This travel is payed by the ALATNET center or by home NMS of the young researcher.

It is also proposed that Gianpaolo, Goska, Ilian, Klaus, Cornel, Jozef, Christopher and Margarida will attend the ALADIN workshop in Croatia, Steluta and Martin will attend the next EWGLAM meeting and Andre and Raluca will decide with their supervisors to attend EWGLAM meeting or ALADIN workshop in Croatia. Young researchers will have to register by themselves to these meetings.

Preparation of the 3rd ALATNET Seminar

The last details of the organization of the 3rd Seminar on Numerical Methods are discussed (see pages of the Seminar).